- RC shear wall with opening RC有开洞剪力墙
- RC shear wall with bi-directional single row of steel bars is applicable for multistory residence building. 双向单排配筋剪力墙结构适用于多层住宅结构。
- short shear wall with small opening 低矮小开口剪力墙
- The failure test of reinforced masonry shear wall with block strength above 20MPa and shear span over 1wa s conducted for the first time in Chin a. 本文试验为砌块强度超过20MPa;剪跨比大于1.;0的配筋砌块剪力墙抗剪试验。
- Shear wall with concealed truss is brought forward.This concealed truss can be constructed with profiled steel, steel bar or profiled steel appending steel bar. 摘要提出了内藏桁架(包括钢桁架、钢筋桁架及钢-钢筋组合桁架)混凝土组合剪力墙,该新型组合剪力墙包含2种组合:不同受力体系,桁架与剪力墙约组合;
- The shear walls with some new structural measures are summarized in this paper, especially a new double composite shear wall will be introduced. 本文对几种采用不同构造措施的剪力墙作了简要介绍,特别是介绍一种新型双重组合剪力墙。
- He shored up the wall with a thick balk of wood. 他用一根粗大的木头把墙撑住。
- The computational results of the simulated test show that the improved steel plate shear wall with slits can produce plastic deformation and consume a great quantity of earthquake energy. 模拟试验过程的计算结果表明,改进的带缝钢板剪力墙可以增加延性,耗散较大的地震能量。
- The baby daubed up the wall with his crayon. 小孩用蜡笔把墙上画得斑斑点点。
- They were welcomed with open arms. 他们受到了热烈的欢迎。
- The kids bedaubed the wall with black paint. 那些小家伙用黑漆把墙壁涂画得乱七八糟。
- He scratched his name on the wall with a knife. 他用一把小刀把自己的名字刻在墙上。
- It is shown in experimental study that the coupled shear walls with stiffening coupling beams is superior to the common coupled shear walls in aseismic performance. 对双肢剪力墙的连梁采用数学方法进行了分析,并且考虑在不同情况下连梁所需的延性。
- If you come to see me, I'll welcome you with open arms. 如果你来看我,我将伸出双臂欢迎你。
- He hit the nail into the wall with a hammer. 他用一把锤子把钉子打进墙里去。
- steel plate shear wall with slits 带竖缝钢板剪力墙
- The parish has welcomed the new vicar with open arms. 教区居民双手欢迎新来的牧师。
- hollow R. C shear wall with seams 带缝钢筋混凝土空心剪力墙
- The maid did down the walls with a duster. 女佣用掸帚由上而下地刷除四壁上的尘垢。
- shear wall with slit steel plate 带缝钢板剪力墙