- shear resistant mechanism 抗剪抵抗机构
- shear resistance mechanism 抗剪机理
- We have workpiece materials from a very soft, buttery consistency to very hard and shear resistant. 我们的工件原材料从非常软,像黄油一样黏稠的到非常硬的有抗剪力都有。
- Objective To study drug resistant mechanism and reversal of glioma we established C 6 MDR drug resistant cell line(C 6/adr). 目的 为研究脑胶质瘤的耐药、机理及逆转 ,建立了C6耐阿霉素细胞株 (C6/adr)MDR细胞系。
- A new type water - resistant agent, PAPU , was introduced in detail.The water - resistant mechanism of PAPU was discussed. 重点介绍了新型抗水剂聚酰胺聚脲甲醛树脂(PAPU),对其抗水机理进行了讨论。
- Said precast concrete bridge deck assembly has precast concrete bridge deck, end surface loop type steel reinforcement, bottom surface shear resistant slot, and bottom surface shear resistant unit. 所述预制混凝土桥面板组件具有预制混凝土桥面板、端面环型钢筋、底面抗剪槽、底面抗剪器;所述钢梁组件具有直立钢梁、钢梁上翼缘板、连身钢板侧模、抗剪器、连身钢丝网端模;
- This result provides us the basic information to further reveal the resistant mechanism and conduct functional cloning of the resistant-related genes in rice to BLS. 本研究为进一步揭示水稻对细菌性条斑病的抗性机理及相关抗病基因的功能克隆提供了依据。
- The resistant mechanism of cotton aphid to insecticide is relevant to many factories .Such as the susceptibility of target reducing and activity of detoxify enzyme, etc. 棉蚜对杀虫剂的抗性机理涉及到靶标敏感度下降、体内解毒酶系活力升高等多种机理。
- Vetiveria zizanioides with strong deep roots have better anchoring force and shear resistance. 香根草具有纵深发达的根系系统,具有较高的锚固力和抗剪力。
- Advances of studies on the resistance mechanism of plants to Meloidogyne spp. 植物抗根结线虫机制研究进展。
- Research shows that the deformational suspensoid solid solution is stable with outstanding shear resistance. 研究表明:形变悬浮胶体聚合物溶液稳定性好、抗剪切性能强。
- Objective To study the resistant mechanisms in pan-resistant bacteria (PRB). 摘要目的研究全耐菌菌种分布及其耐药机制。
- Through pullout tests for shear resistance of the adhesive steel bar in the metal tube, the bond principals and failure modes of adhesives are studied. 摘要通过对钢筋与金属套筒之间采用植筋胶粘结的拉伸抗剪试验,探讨了植筋胶的粘结机理和拉伸抗剪破坏模式。
- Disposing welding section steel cross bridging in the slab-column system is a good means to avoid disposing abaci and elevating shear resistance. 合理设置型钢剪力架是避免设置柱帽和板托,同时有效提高板柱节点抗冲切承载力的最受欢迎的有效手段。
- The drug resistant mechanism of enterococcus may be either inherent by chromogene or be acquired by the processes of gene transfer(e.g.,plasmid,bacteriophage,transposon with DNA fragment). 肠球菌耐药机制包括由染色体基因决定的固有耐药、由染色体外的遗传单位如质粒、转座噬菌体、转座因子等携带DNA片段导致的获得性耐药。
- So, we first studied the innate resistant mechanism of HCC Bel7402 cell line, and then we successfully established a 161 fold resistant cell line named Bel5-FU20000 in vitro by continuous stepwise exposure of Bel7402 cells to 5-FU for 6 months. 为此,我们首先研究了人肝癌Bel_(7402)细胞株的天然耐药性及其机制,继而又以Bel_(7402)作为亲本细胞,经过体外约6个月的多步骤连续5-FU筛选,得到了对5-FU耐药约161倍的5-FU耐药细胞系Bel_(5-FU20000),并对其生物学特征及耐药机理进行了研究。
- Authors made some indoor tests and analyzed influences of curing time and match ratio on the shear resistance ability and compressibility of lime-flyash soil. 通过室内试验,分析了养护龄期及配合比对二灰土的抗剪性和压缩性的影响。
- The results showed that the AM/AMPS/C18DMAAC terpolymer had better salt tolerance, heat resistance and ability of shear resistance than the polyacrylamide. 结果表明,AM/AMPS/C18DMAAC三元共聚物具有较好的抗盐、抗温及抗剪切性,其性能均优于聚丙烯酰胺。
- Introduced medium density fibreboard (MDF) production present situation and prospect, kinds of burning - resistant agent used for MDF, burning - resistant mechanism and treatment method. 介绍了中密度纤维板的生产现状和前景,阻燃中纤板所用阻燃剂的种类、阻燃的机理和处理方法。
- External prestressing technique which is a kind of active reinforcement method, can improve the component"s abilities of bending resistance and shear resistance. 体外预应力技术用于结构的加固和改造,可以提高构件的抗弯、抗剪能力,是一种主动加固方式。