- An agglomerate is a volcanic breccia. 集块岩是一种火山性角砾石。
- Every spring they shear off the sheep's wool and sell it. 每年春天他们都要剪下羊毛去卖。
- shear breccia 扭性构造岩
- Breccia and mylonite in slip band. 滑带中的角砾岩和糜梭岩。
- The process does not affect the shear stresses. 这样的处理并不影响剪应力。
- There will be no shear on this surface. 在该表面上没有剪切作用的存在。
- A fluid cannot withstand a shear. 流体不能承受切应力。
- Shifting Winds: Being aware of wind shear. 风的移动:警惕风切变。
- Cell constructions for shear deformations. 剪切形变压力室的构造。
- In that it is flat with little or no shear lips. 在这种情况下,它是平的带有较小的或者没有剪切边。
- The displacement of this shear zone was about 8km. 剪切位移量为 8 km左右.
- Many go out for wool, and come home shear. 偷鸡不着蚀把米。
- In the extreme case the boxwork collapses, forming a breccia. 在特殊情况下,蜂窝坍塌,形成角砾石。
- Adopting lever feed mode to shear cloth. 采用杠杆推进方式裁切布料。
- God temper the wind to shear lamb. 天无绝人之路。
- Critical resolved shear stress (O’crss). 临界分剪切应力。
- This friendship "go back" how shear off. 这份友谊“回去”怎么剪的断。
- Solids can support both shear and normal stress. 固体可以支撑剪应力和一般应力。
- With a few quick snip of the shear he prune the bush. 他用大剪刀几下子就把灌木给修剪好了。
- The host rock conformably overlies a band of siliceous cherty breccia. 含矿主岩整合地上覆于硅质燧石角砾石带之上。