- Sharing information and future plans. 共享信息和未来计划。
- Share information with each other. 互相分享信息。
- Many devices share information with desktop systems. 很多设备都会与桌面系统交换数据,所以我们可以这样考虑一下。
- The members share information effectively within the team. 成员间有效分享信息。
- We see workers coming together, sharing information freely and openly. 我们看到工作人员自由、公开地分享信息.
- We spoke throughout the trading day, sharing information and swapping insights. 我们整天都保持沟通,分享信息,交换见解。
- Real partnerships and results are about sharing information, synergy, innovation, and mutual benefit. 真正的合作伙伴和结果将会是一起共享信息,协作,创新和相互的利益。
- The conference is a good place to share information and exchange ideas. 研讨会是互通信息、交流思想的好场所。
- A web site on the Volunteer Movement provides a good forum for sharing information and on-line registration. 社署又设立义工运动网站,以便交流资讯和方便义工在网上登记。
- The focus is on squeezing costs out of complex processes and sharing information across systems. 其着眼点是从复杂的过程中降低成本和在系统间共享信息。
- They're constantly on the phone. It's a combination of "Hi,how was your day?"and two policy wonks sharing information. 他们常通电话,经常是“喂,今天可好?”然后两个政治巨头开始共享信息。
- But the Internet isn't just about getting information, it's about sharing information. 但是互联网不只是用来获得信息,它的意义在于共享信息。
- And that is to turn the PC into a communications device, into the vehicle we use for sharing information. 而且那要将个人计算机变成一个沟通装置,进入我们为分享数据使用的交通工具之内。
- Gem City Urology - sharing information regarding general urological problems and new developments in urology. 介绍泌尿学方面的问题和泌尿学新进展。
- Openly shares information to assist others with their jobs. 公开地分享信息以帮助他人完成工作。
- Cooperation and teamwork are essential. Communicating and sharing information at this level is of prime importance. 合作和聯合作業是必要的。而交流和分享資訊在這個層級是最重要的。
- We'll coordinate as a network, sharing information and control, decentralizing functions between us. 我们将作为同一个网络相互协作,共享信息和控制,以及在彼此之间分散职能。
- If secrets start seeping out, countries that have been sharing information may be disinclined to do so. 如果秘密开始透出,那些已经共享信息的国家可能不愿这样做。
- MFC programming, can achieve a PING and routing and tracking of all LAN been sharing information. MFC编程,可以实现PING和路由跟踪以及得到局域网内所有共享信息。
- And in fact, the Internet has become FAO's main tool for gathering and sharing information with its members and with the world. 实际上,互联网已经成为粮农组织收集和与其成员及世界共享信息的主要工具。