- shale gas resources 页岩气资源
- In Oct 2007, we just signed a Shale Gas Joint Study Agreement with Petro China. 在2007年十月公司与中石油鉴定了页岩气联合研究协议。
- Xinjiang is rich in petroleum and natural gas resources. 新疆拥有丰富的石油、天然气资源。
- Turkmenistan is endowed with rich oil and natural gas resources. 土库曼斯坦油气资源十分丰富。
- OPEC surely heeds the lesson of U.S. natural gas, where high prices led to the development of shale gas, causing prices to tank. 欧佩克肯定注意到,在美国的天然气领域,价格高企曾带来页岩油的开发,使价格回落。
- New drilling technology has unlocked two vast pockets of shale gas with recoverable reserves of about 70 trillion cubic feet (2 trillion cubic metres). 新的钻探技术开启了两个巨大的页岩油矿穴,还有70万亿立方英迟(2万亿立方米)的采储量。
- Coalbed methane is a natural gas resources adsorbed to the coal reservoir. 煤层气是一种以吸附态储集在煤层中的天然气资源。
- Shale gas, according to the committee, accounts for two-thirds of America's technically recoverable reserves, enough to supply the country for 90 years. 据该委员会统计,页岩天然气占美国技术可采量的三分之二,足够整个美国用90年。
- Prospective study on coalbed gas resources in Carboniferous-Permian, West Henan. 豫西石炭-二叠系煤层气资源前景研究。
- In practice, however, oil and gas resources offer local people the most plausible route to economic independence. 然而,实际上石油和天然气资源给予了当地人最合理的经济独立的路径。
- Natural gas resources abound in the Bohai Bay region. By the end of 1980, there-were more than 700 gas producers there. 渤海湾地区天然气资源丰富,至1980年底已有气井700多口。
- Sylvite like Qinghai, Xinjiang's oil and gas resources development, the state will be the focus. 像青海的钾盐、新疆的油气资源开发等,国家将予以重点支持。
- Oil and natural gas resources, especially rich in the world one of the largest reservoir. 石油和天然气的资源特别丰富,是世界储油最多的国家之一。
- It is widely perceived that the foreland basins tend to be rich in oil and gas resources throughout the world. 摘要前陆盆地是世界上油气资源最丰富、大油气田最多的一类盆地。
- Distinguished by what from traditional conception of fissured shale gas, shale gas is concerned to the gas accumulated within the shales and/or mudstones by free and adsorbed gas. 与传统上的"泥页岩裂缝气"并不完全相同,页岩气是主体上以吸附相和游离相同时赋存于泥岩及页岩地层中的天然气。
- Dongying and Huimim depressions are rich in oil and gas resources and volcanic rocks are developed. 东营、惠民凹陷,是火山岩发育的含油气丰度较大的断陷。
- Upon completion, the abundant natural gas resources in China's West will be transferred though pipelinesto the energy-starved East. 工程完成后,西部丰富的天然气等能源将会通过管道直接输送到东部能源急需地区。
- Qujing Basin is one of several Tertiary sedimentary basins with the discovered biogenic gas resources in Yunnan Province. 曲靖盆地是在云南省发现的具有工业价值生物气藏的第三系沉积盆地之一。
- The new process extracts oil from shale. 这一新过程可从页岩里提炼出石油。
- Most of the rock in this mountain is shale. 这座山上大部分的岩石都是页岩。