- Then,the effects of formation water resistivity,Calcium and shale content and mediumgrain size on reservoir resistivity are analysed. 在此基础上,分析了地层水电阻率、钙质含量、泥质含量和粒度中值对储层电阻率的影响并进行了校正。
- A method by which Static spontaneous potential (SSP)is obtained in thin layer, high shale content, water flooded reservoir is proposed throug. 为提高水淹地层混合地层水电阻率计算精度,从自然电位产生机理角度出发,提出了薄层、高含泥、水淹储层的静自然电位的求取方法。
- The reservoir of the Zilaitun oil-field is mainly composed of fine sandstone and siltstone and characterized by small grain size and high shale content. 河北沧县自来屯油田储层主要为细砂岩、粉细砂岩,粒度细,泥质含量高,以阿尔奇公式为基础的电阻率测井解释结果与储层实际含油性差别较大。
- Fluid pattern is suitable for NMR porosity calibration in Berea sandstone as well as terrestrial sediment sand with little shale content and well sorted. 流体标样适合于贝瑞砂岩、陆相沉积分选好、泥质含量低的砂岩NMR孔隙度的标定;
- The main geologic characteristics of low permeability sandstone gas reservoirs are high antisotropic,small pore-throats radius,high shale content and high water saturation. 低渗砂岩气藏的地质特征主要表现为非均质性严重、孔喉半径小、泥质含量高和含水饱和度高;
- Thus, the shale content,poroslty,permeability and thickness can be taken as the important evaluationparameters of sealing ability of the overlying mudstone. 据此.可以将泥质含量、有效孔隙率、渗透率和单层厚度作为泥质岩类盖层的封闭性的主要评价参数。
- This paper presents some methods for computing the shale content and lithological analysis of shale-sand strata,which include the CNL/effective porosity differential method and the CNL/CDL crossplot. 因此提出了补偿中子与补偿密度交会法进行砂泥岩剖面岩性分析、补偿中子与有效孔隙度差值法进行泥质含量求取等方法。
- The new process extracts oil from shale. 这一新过程可从页岩里提炼出石油。
- Most of the rock in this mountain is shale. 这座山上大部分的岩石都是页岩。
- Teaching content should be concise. 教学内容要少而精。
- He is quite content with his present fortune. 他对自己目前的境遇颇为得意。
- You should be well content with your daughter. 你应该对你的女儿感到满意。
- Personally, I am quite content with Scotland. 就我个人而言,我对苏格兰挺满意。
- He is content to stay in his present job. 他对现在的工作心满意足。
- Physical Simulation of Shale Content Requirement in Fault Zone Sealing Oil and Gas 断裂带封闭油气所需泥质含量物理模拟
- I am well content to remain here. 我很愿意留在这里。
- Now that she has apologized, I am content. 既然她已经道了歉,我也就满意了。
- North America has vast deposits of shale. 北美有大量油页岩沉积。
- The sandstone and shale units are of the same age. 砂岩和页岩单元是同时的。
- Her answer seemed to content him. 她的回答好像令他满意。