- In the midst of his preoccupations, he perceived, from a shadow cast by the sun, that some one had halted on the crest of the slope immediately behind him. 他正在这样思前想后,忽然看见太阳把刚刚来到斜坡顶上紧挨着他背后的一个人的影子投射在他的眼前。
- The shadow cast by an object is long or short according as the sun is high up in the heaven or near the horizon. 物体投影的长短取决于太阳是高挂天空还是靠近地平线。
- Slender shadows cast by the morning sun bobbed up and down in front of them and crawled up the wicker gate. 那被朝阳拖得苗长的影子,跳动着在人的前面先爬上了木栅门。
- Shadows cast by the sun 日光照射物体所成的阴影
- The completely dark portion of the shadow cast by the earth, moon, or other body during an eclipse. 本影由地球、月亮或其他天体在蚀的过程中造成的阴影中完全黑暗的部分
- Brusque the facades, almaximum forbidding;immaculate except for the splotches of shadow cast by the leaves. 其正面粗暴甚至可怕,除了树木投下星星点点的影子,一片洁净。
- The crystal clear Brook Suoxi, having danced unashamedly naked under the daytime sun, suddenly seemed to grow bashful, trying vainly to cover her nakedness under shadows cast by the rocks and hills rising from her banks. 而那白天裸露在阳光里的清冽的索溪啊,此刻好象羞怯起来了,想用两岸的山影和水中坎坷的乱石掩盖住自己的秀体。 但哪里遮盖得住!
- Also an instrument to mark hours by the observation of the shadow cast in the sun, the sundial tells the hours and minutes by the positions of the shadow. 日晷也是通过观测日影计时的仪器,主要是根据日影的位置以确定当时的时辰或刻数。
- Shadows cast by foreground objects. 前景投射的阴影。
- For a fraction of a second, a MONSTROUS FACE seems to materialize on the glass, but just as quickly, it becomes part of the shadows cast by the fluttering leaves of the tree. 一眨眼的功夫,似乎有张恐怖的脸印在玻璃窗上,但只那么一瞬,便融合为那摇曳树影的一部分了。
- His yellow jacket was bleached white by the sun. 他的黄夹克被太阳晒得褪成了白色。
- Standing on the castle one gets a bird's-eye view of the Yellow River in all its splendour, the sunless shadows cast by the date palms on its banks, a wonderful scene of natural beauty. 站在古堡之上鸟瞰黄河,气势磅礴,岸上枣树成荫,自成天然画卷。
- There were only a few dry bones left, bleached by the sun. 只留下一些被太阳晒得泛白的枯骨。
- With snowy cinder cones in the foreground, the Moon lies within the shadow cast by the mountain -- a shadow extending across a lower cloud deck and on through Earth's dense atmosphere. 这幅影像呈现太阳光和影的精彩演出,其中有前景的积雪锥状火山口、山峰暗影中的月亮,以及延伸盖过较低层云并穿过地球致密大气的长长暗影。
- The comet's ice, heated by the sun, rapidly and spectacular sublimate to gas. 彗星上的冰块在太阳热的作用下迅速而壮观地升华成气体。
- Take a close look at the shadow cast by your hand in direct sunlight. 仔细观察阳光直射下你的手所投下的阴影。
- His face was bronzed by the sun. 他的脸被太阳晒成褐色。
- You have very black, unrealistic shadows on Cornelius, and the shadow cast by Cornelius himself is unacceptable. 科尼利厄斯的阴影太黑,也不真实,并且科尼利厄斯自己产生的阴影是无法接受的。
- The bones were bleached by the sun. 骨头被太阳晒得发白了。
- Warmth and light are given to us by the sun. 太阳给我们带来温暖和光明。