- He had to live in the shadow of his famous father. 他不得不在他那有名望的父亲的庇护下生活。
- The shadow of death is on his face. 死亡的阴影笼罩在他的脸上。
- The police put a shadow on the suspected robber. 警方派探员盯住那个抢劫疑犯。
- If everyone does his part, the project will surely be a success. 如果大家都尽责,这个项目肯定会成功。
- He ventured on an ambitious project. 他冒险从事一项富有雄心的计画。
- The research project was only a partial success. 那个研究课题只取得部分成功。
- John lived in the shadow after his retirement. 约翰退休后,过着隐居的生活。
- The tragedy cast a shadow over their lives. 这一悲剧在他们的生命中投下了一片阴影。
- A new project is in contemplation. 一项新的工程正在规划中。
- The tree cast its shadow on the wall. 树影映在墙上。
- Give me the gen on this new project. 把这新项目的资料给我。
- Sometimes she sits alone in the shadow. 有时候她独自一人坐在幽暗处。
- Her eyelids are blue with eye shadow. 她眼皮涂了眼睑膏看上去蓝盈盈的。
- She mapped out her ideas on the new project. 她详细提出了对新项目的意见。
- My twin brother is my shadow every minute. 我的孪生兄弟与我形影不离。
- The project as being undertaken on a small scale. 这个工程在小规模地进行着。
- The project was viewed favorably by the committee. 那计划受到该委员会的好评。
- The new project is still in embryo. 新的项目尚在考虑中。
- He is a president living in the shadow of his predecessor. 他是一个在他的前任的声誉影响中过日子的总统。
- This project is of great benefit to everyone. 这项工程对每个人都大有好处。