- Way: Blood, humoral, sexual life, mu Ying. 途径:血液,体液,性生活,母婴。
- Is wrapping cut influential to sexual life? 包皮不割对性生活有影响吗?
- What effect can the varicocele have to sexual life? 精索静脉曲张会对性生活有什么影响?
- But they can be equate to morals with such purpose or function of sexual life. 然而 ,以这样的目的或功能而来的性生活都不能等同于性道德
- And “chicken without sexual life” becomes mere “steamed pullet”. “没有性生活的鸡(童子鸡)”就是“清蒸小鸡”。
- To oneself the female with dissatisfactory sexual life can try to practice. “这种情况可以通过一些训练获得改善。”性医学科杨医师表示。
- Abort what does half month after cross sexual life to have to endanger? 堕胎后的半个月就过性生活有什么危害吗?
- I what the wife also knows sexual life is not contented am very joyless. 妻子也知道性生活不满足的我很不快乐。
- Main Outcome Measures. Sexual behaviors and mental perception, satisfaction and expectations concerning sexual life. 主要调查结果的评估:性行为,有关性生活的精神感知力,满意度和期望值。
- The high risk crowd infecting syphilis was the persons who had impurity sexual life, was engaged in travel, repast service, and no occupations. 有不洁性生活史者、旅游、餐饮服务业者、无业者及企事业员工为梅毒感染的高危人群。
- In 1961 Robert van Gulik published his pioneering overview of Sexual Life in Ancient China. 1961年,RobertvanGulik出版开拓性的概述之作《中国古代房内考》
- Results;5 cases underwent testectomy.one of them had a vaginoplasty.All of them have been followed up with sexual life. 结果:5例睾丸女性化综合征患者均行睾丸切除术,其中1例尚行阴道成形术,术后均能进行性生活。
- Produce afore-mentioned misgive, scared account, it is due to lack of sexual life knowledge understanding. 产生上述疑虑、恐惧的原因,是对性生活知识缺乏应有的了解。
- Fancy is the fountainhead with the richest sexual life, do not strangle respective affection demand each other. 想像力是性生活最丰富的源泉,不要互相扼杀各自的情感需求。
- The man is in the whole process of sexual life, its sex reaction is finished below the control of pallium. 男子在性生活的整个过程中,其性反应是在大脑皮层的控制下完成的。
- Some chronic prostatitis patients, be full of fear to sexual life, taking abstinency attitude thereby cannot be taken. 有的慢性前列腺炎患者,对性生活充满恐惧,从而采取禁欲态度是不可取的。
- To overcome this, the female can be before sexual life first ego is placatory, exciting one. 不只我自己觉得失落,就连我丈夫都很有挫败感。
- Anyhow, can maintain happy sexual life, undoubted meeting has very auspicious place to husband and wife's health. 总之,能保持美满的性生活,无疑会对夫妻的健康有很大好处。
- Be met is department of gynaecology illy after schoolgirl sexual life? With need not is Fu phlogistic clean washed? 女生性生活后会得妇科病吗?用不用妇炎洁洗?
- Notice to improve coital method even additionally, caressing woman, the movement when sexual life wants gentleness. 另外还要注意改进性交方法,爱抚女方,性生活时动作要轻柔。