- The disease is passed on by sexual contact. 该病通过性交传染。
- Erotic attraction to or sexual contact with corpses. 奸尸被尸体性别的吸引或同尸体发生性关系
- Only the desire for sexual contact with them should be called “pedophilia”. 唯一与儿童的性接触的欲望应该被称为“娈童癖”。
- Granuloma inguinale is a bacterial infection transmitted by sexual contact. 热带腹股沟肉芽肿是一种由性接触传播的细菌性传染病。
- The Bible strictly forbids immorality, sexual contact outside of marriage. 圣经很严厉地禁止奸淫,就是婚外的性行为。
- So strong and impelling is the desire for sexual contact that men freely run the risk of life and reputation to indulge it. 性接触的渴望协迫性太强,使得人常不顾一切冒死投入,罔顾名誉。
- Chancroid is a bacterial infection that is spread by sexual contact with other infected individuals. 软下疳是一种细菌感染,是由性接触传播,与其他感染者。
- Contagious formis the type that affects persons of all ages and both sexes who aquire it through sexual contact. 传染方式是影响人型男女老少谁热量通过性接触感染。
- Avoid sexual contact if you have symptoms of an infection or if you are being treated for a STD or HIV. 如果你有感染性病的症状或者正在接受性病治疗、IV治疗,避免与别人有性接触。
- And finally: What about the pedophile who refrains from any sexual contact with children? 依据什么标准能够或应该把他们称为精神病患者?
- Discuss the historical, ethnological, legal, and psychological aspects of sexual contact between adults and children. 试论成人与儿童之间的性接触的历史记载、人种学、法律和心理学问题。
- Most places forbid full sexual contact and every club has dungeon masters -- lifeguards of sorts in case of a mishap. 很多这类场所是禁止常见的主流性接触的。而且每个俱乐部都有地牢主人,如果有意外发生,他们就要扮演救生员的角色。
- Like HIV, hepatitis B can be passed on through maternal-infant transmission, sexual contact or blood transfusions. 与艾滋病类似,乙肝可以通过母婴,性接触,或者血液制品的输入而传播。
- If warts are present, it may be enough to touch them to become infected, even without any sexual contact. 如果疣子出现,甚至没有任何性接触,只要接触一下它们就足以被传染上。
- Canine transmissible venereal tumor is a tumor of the genitals. It is spread by sexual contact. 犬传染性性病肿瘤是一种生殖器肿瘤。通过性途径传播。
- Completely avoiding sexual contact( abstinence), including intercourse or oral sex, is the only certain way to prevent an infection. 完全避免性接触(欲)包括传统性交、交,是唯一可以确保不感染这类疾病的方法。
- The best guess is that African hunters contracted it while butchering animals, and then passed it on through sexual contact. 很有可能是非洲的猎人在捕杀黑猩猩的时候被感染的,然后通过性接触传给别人。
- Obviously, the best way to prevent infection with gonorrhea or any other STD is to avoid sexual contact with an infected partner. 显然,预防淋病和其他性传播疾病感染的最好方法是避免与已感染者有性接触。
- Frederick II (the Great, 1712-1786), King of Prussia, ignored the religious tradition of severely condemning human sexual contact with animals. 即腓特烈大帝,1712-1786)普鲁士国王,曾不理睬严厉谴责人与动物性接触的宗教传统。
- Objection: To investigate male male sexual contact(MSM) AIDS high dangerous behavior to intervent and evaluate the effection of intervention. 摘要目的:调查男男性接触者(MSM)艾滋病感染和高危行为情况,采取高危行为干预并对干预效果进行评价。