- It is essential to your libido and sexual arousal. 这对维持你的性欲和性唤起至关重要。
- The displacement of sexual arousal or gratification to a fetish. 恋物癖把性唤起或性满足转移到物体上
- Applies to nonhuman mammals,a state or period of heightened sexual arousal and activity. 用于非人类的动物,性欲高涨的一个时期。
- What it does: Prolactin relieves sexual arousal after orgasm and takes your mind off sex. 催乳素在性高潮后,降低性的唤起,让你和性移情。
- It is quite normal for a woman to feel some sexual arousal while nursing her baby. 哺乳妇女在给孩子喂奶时感到有性唤起是完全正常的。
- Women often get so lost in their sexual arousal that they forget to give feedback. 女人在性奋时往往会忘记给予反馈信息。
- Touch, vision, hearing, smell, and taste play an important role in all human sexual arousal. 触觉、视觉、听觉、嗅觉和味觉在人类性唤起中起着重要的作用。
- Persistent, usually painful erection of the penis, especially as a consequence of disease and not related to sexual arousal. 阴茎异常勃起阴茎长期并且通常很痛苦的勃起,尤指和性欲无关的,是病的结果
- In these instances desire follows sexual arousal, rather than the other way around. 在这种情况下,欲望仅仅源于挑逗。
- For many men, sexual arousal is the key for helping them connect with and realize their loving feelings. 对于大多数男人来说,性是帮助他们唤醒爱情的关键。
- Touch, vision, hearing,smell, and taste play an important role in all human sexual arousal. 触觉、视觉、听觉、嗅觉和味觉在人类性唤起中起著重要的作用。
- Conclusion:Sexual arousal difference is related to brain activation,and this finding provides new explanation for men and women sex difference. 结论:男女性唤起的差别与大脑活性相关,这个发现为男女性差异提供了新的解释。
- Sexual arousal usually isn't voluntary.The conscious mind is complicit in it, but a lot of sexual arousal goes on in the sympathetic nervous system. 性唤起往往并非自愿,意识是部分起因,但大部分性唤起源自交感神经系统。
- Although still controversial, many scientists now accept that some women can ejaculate some kind of fluid during sexual arousal or orgasm. 虽然存在争议,但很多科学家已经承认女性在性唤起和性高潮阶段是有可能喷射出某种液体的。
- Dr.Karen Weatherby, whom directed the studies, affirmed that: The sexual arousal enlarges the heart frequency and benefits the circulation. 指导该研究的 Karen Weatherby 博士肯定了:性刺激扩大心脏的频率而且有益于血液循环。
- The most common sexual disorder was orgasmic disorder, and the others in order was sexual pain, sexual arousal disorder, and hypoactive sexual desire disorder. 性功能障碍以性高潮障碍居多,其次为性交疼痛、性冲动及性欲障碍。
- They also spotlight evidence linking the non-dominant right hemisphere, and especially the amygdala involved in emotional response, to sexual arousal and orgasmic sensation. 他们也将注意力集中到非优势的大脑右侧半球,尤其是在运动反射、性知觉和性高潮敏感性中扁桃腺的作用。
- He said his team took saliva samples from the study participants to measure levels of testosterone, a hormone that indicates sexual arousal, before and after they listened to recordings of the cars. 他说,他的团队在研究参与者聆听汽车录音的之前与之后分别取出其唾液样本,以测量睪固酮浓度,这是一种能显示性兴奋的荷尔蒙。
- If we take Adams’s findings that homophobic men get erections from watching gay porn as reasonable evidence of their sexual arousal, then, these findings are enormously important. 如果我们认同亚当斯的发现,同性恋憎恶者看男同情色片时的勃起是他们性冲动的合理证据,那么,这些发现就极其重要。
- Women Match Men in Sexual Arousal Time 女性在性唤醒时间与男性相符合