- A sexual encounter with a kitchen appliance. 与厨房用品的性行为.
- It was his first sexual encounter(= first experience of sex). 那是他的第一次性经历。
- The clock is, itself, a contrivance, of course, but no more so than other pretexts for a wintertime sexual encounter. 这个钟本身固然是一个发明,但不过是为冬天的性生活寻找其它借口而已。
- Nick Guest's first sexual encounter is in the private park of a posh terrace with a man he's met through a lonely hearts ad. 尼克盖斯特的第一次性经验发生在一个私人公园里的漂亮露台上,他和那个男人是通过一则征婚广告认识的。
- The very unpleasant drunk man, who is often screwed over by really incompetent people, badly ruined the bloody incompetent-person-shagging man's sexual encounter. 那个讨厌的酒鬼(常常被无能的人搞的那个)严重破坏了那个极度无能的男人的性交场面。
- Oh my god! The very unpleasant drunk man, who is often screwed over by really incompetent people, badly ruined the bloody incompetent-person-shagging man's sexual encounter. 干!那个讨厌的酒鬼(常常被无能的人搞的那个)严重破坏了那个极度无能的男人的性交场面。
- In still other cases, this inability is brought about late in life by an unpleasant sexual encounter in which the woman's vagina or mouth somehow appeared unclean or disgusting. 还有在其他的病例中,这种后期生活中的无性高潮症状由使人不愉快的性偶遇所引起,其女性性伴的阴道或口腔不知何故显得不卫生或令人厌恶。
- This observation has led to a "psychodynamic" interpretation of the individual's preference for the submissive/bottom or dominant/top role in a BDSM sexual encounter or scene. 没有这两个要素,一个性行为就变成了一个可处罚的犯罪。
- The group that focused on love rather than lust strayed in thoughts three times less than the group asked to describe the most memorable sexual encounter with their long-term partner. 注意力集中在爱情而不是欲望上的那一组”思想走神“次数比描述和自己长期伴侣拥有过最难忘的性的一组人少三倍。
- The books were full of 7)uncensored, graphic 8)admissions about drugs, alcohol, and sexual encounters. 这是可以理解的。这些日记毫无保留地生动描述了关于吸毒、喝酒及性爱方面的经历。
- Since I give your marriage five more years, tops, this adds up to an extra 450 sexual encounters in total. 假定我给你们的婚姻再加上5年(这是最好的情况了),那么这总共要多出450次性行为。
- The Pleasuring Vibrating Ring very well may be a product that will add a new element to your sexual encounters. 乐振环一定会给您带来全新的性体验。
- Between sips of yak butter tea, they trade jokes and swap tales about their latest sexual encounters. 他们品着奶茶,交流着笑话和最近的性经验。
- The schizoid is not interested in maintaining any kind of relationship and avoids interactions with others - including sexual encounters. 此种精神性患者对维持任何形式的人际关系都不感新兴趣,而且,总是避免与人的交流---包括性的接触。
- This is an interesting match. If the Scorpion can tempt you into sexual encounters that are exotic, the end result will be fireworks. 处女-蝎:这是对有趣的搭配。如果蝎子能诱使你尝试异样性趣,也许导致双方激烈的争执。
- Those choosing to ascend however who enjoy sexual encounters require being very careful if you sincerely wish to ascend in this lifetime. 那些选择提升却喜欢性邂逅者,如果你在此生真正希望提升的话,则需要非常小心。
- VIRGO& SCORPIO: This is an interesting match. If the scorpion can tempt you into sexual encounters that are exotic, the end result will end in fireworks. 有趣的组合。如果天蝎座的人能吸引你沉于色情的性爱中,这场关系将是奇异绚丽的,最终则像烟花一般消逝。
- On the other hand, pleasurable sexual encounters can develop a welcome sensitivity almost anywhere in the body and thus lead to the discovery of new erogenous zones. 另一方面,愉悦的性接触能够在身体的几乎任何部位积累欣悦的敏感性,由此而导致发现新的性敏感区。
- Television programmers use frequent scene shifts and sensory appeals such as car crashes, violence, and sexual encounters to keep audience interest from diminishing. 电视制作人频繁地在节目中穿插进车祸,暴力,性等等的场面来吸引日渐减少的观众的注意力。
- It has become appreciated that the female of most species tends to be the more choosy sex and thus plays a large role in the timing of sexual encounters. 现在已认识到大多数动物的雌性在选择雄性伴侣上更主动,在交配的发起上起这种重要作用。