- The saccate structure was further identified as the sex pheromone gland by EAG technique. 触角电位进一步证明这一囊状结构为性信息素腺体。
- sex pheromone gland 性信息素腺体
- Abstract: A new essential technique of SPME for studying sex pheromone of Helicoverpa armigera and the difference between SPME and single gland extraction(SGE)were studied. 摘 要: 简要介绍了固相微量萃取法在棉铃虫性信息素研究中的技术要点。初步比较了单个腺体提取法与固相微量萃取法在分析棉铃虫性信息素时的差异。
- A new essential technique of SPME for studying sex pheromone of Helicoverpa armigera and the difference between SPME and single gland extraction(SGE)were studied. 简要介绍了固相微量萃取法在棉铃虫性信息素研究中的技术要点。初步比较了单个腺体提取法与固相微量萃取法在分析棉铃虫性信息素时的差异。
- Biological activity of female sex pheromone extracted from gland of Holcocerus hippoophaecolus Hua was studied by electroantennographic(EAG) analyses,and was validated in wind-tunnel and field trapping trials. 提取沙棘木蠹蛾雌蛾性信息素腺体分泌物,对雄蛾进行触角电位(EAG)检测和风洞及田间活性试验。
- The component of sex pheromone was analyzed by gas chromatogram and GC/MS, it was identified primarily to be dioctyl ester containing 24 carbon. 利用气相色谱及气质联用技术分析,嗜虫书虱雌成虫的性信息素的主要成分初步鉴定为含有24个碳的酯类化合物。
- Does the contact sex pheromone of Japanese pine sawyer, Monochamus alternatus, exist? 松墨天牛是否存在雌性接触信息素?
- Effect on the controlling oriental tobacco budworm, Helicoverpa assulta by using sex pheromone. 与相似的文献。
- The total synthesis of 3,7 dimethyl 2 tridecanyl acetate,the active component of the sex pheromone of diprion pini,was investigated in this paper. 对松叶蜂 diprion pini性信息素活性组分 3;7-二甲基 -2 -十三碳醇乙酸酯的全合成进行了研究 .
- However, the daily number of males captured by the bundles was not correlative with that of males captured by sex pheromone attractant and light. 加拿大杨枝把日诱雄蛾量与日诱雌蛾量呈显著正相关,与性诱剂日诱雄蛾量、高压汞灯日诱雄蛾量相关性不显著。
- Statistical analysis showed that the relative ratio of sex pheromone components collected by the two methods differentied very signficantly(P<0.01). 各组分间的相对比例较高。统计分析表明,两种方法收集的性信息素各组分的相对含量和比例差异极显著(P<0.;01)。
- Abstract : Application of sex pheromone of insects for monitoring and controlling is one of the important IPM strategies. 摘要 : 应用昆虫性信息素进行害虫监测和防治是害虫综合治理重要措施之一。
- HUANG Y Z,SHI L L,YANG J H. Highly stereoselective synthesis of Z,E conjugated diene type sex pheromone[J]. J Org Chem,1987,52:3 558-3 560. 孟宪佐.;马尾松毛虫性信息素的3个活性组分顺、反5;7-十二碳双烯-1-醇及其乙酸酯和丙酸酯的合成[J]
- Pheromone binding proteins (PBPs) in insects are one branch of multigene family of odorant binding proteins (OBPs) and play an important role in the recognition of sex pheromone. 摘要昆虫信息素结合蛋白是气味结合蛋白多基因家族的一个分支,在昆虫识别性信息素过程中起重要作用。
- This study deals with the endocrine control of sex pheromone secretion in an insect which has a short-lived non-feeding adult stage and lacks multiple reproductive cycles. 本文报道用定量生测方法发现在成虫期短、无多次生殖循环、成虫不取食的鳞翅目昆虫中存在内分泌对性信息素的控制。
- In the study on the synthesis of sex pheromone of pine saw fly, the 2-Methyl octanoic acid, an important synthon block of the sex pheromone was synthesiszed in this paper. 在设计合成松树叶蜂性信息素3,7-二甲基-2十三醇乙酸酯及丙酸酯的课题中,本文首先合成了它的一个重要的结构单元2单位基辛酸。
- Thus, the blue rubber septum was the most suitable carrier of synthetic sex pheromone in the application of sex pheromone for monitoring and controling Cydia trasias. 因此,在槐小卷蛾性信息素监测与防治系统中,以蓝颜色的天然橡胶作为合成性信息素的载体最为适宜。
- The results showed that on these factors, the calling peak value decreased, calling rhythm was disrupted, sex pheromone titer decreased, the activity of Br-SOG was inhibition. 研究结果表明:用非正常光周期、间隔光照、不同光质处理棉铃虫雌蛾后,求偶峰值下降,求偶节律混乱,性信息素含量下降,脑因子活性受到抑制。
- This article describe the discovery of 2, 6-dichloro-phenol as a sex pheromone of the ticks, especially on the process of bioassay and the possible method of detoxification of poly-chlorinated biphenyl (PCB). 摘要本文在叙述壁?性费洛蒙双氯酚的发现,生物检定法以及此等研究过程应用于多氯联苯解毒作用的可能性。
- Gas chromatographic analysis showed that titer of sex pheromone collected by SPME was obviously lower than that by SGE and a new component appeared with longer retain time and higher titer. 气相色谱分析表明 ,固相微量萃取法收集的性信息素各组分的含量明显低于单个腺体提取法提取的性信息素各组分的含量 ,而且出现了一个保留时间较迟的含量较大的一个组分。 各组分间的相对比例较高。