- severe drought events 严重干燥事件
- Severe drought has afflicted the countryside. 严重的干旱使乡村深受其害。
- But probably not enough to end the severe drought. 但这或许还不足以解决当地严重的旱灾。
- Guatemala Gripped by Severe Drought. 危地马拉遭遇严重旱灾。
- Although there was a severe drought, they got a bumper harvest. 尽管大旱,他们仍获得丰收。
- This year, the Altay region experienced severe drought. 今年,阿勒泰地区遭遇严重干旱。
- The severe drought is forcing everybody to bite the bullet and use less water. 严重的干旱迫使每个人咬紧牙关,节约用心。
- Years later, the Nine Dragon Hill is visited by a severe drought which causes all the crops to wither. 过了好多年,九龙山大旱,庄稼都枯死了。
- It also said that parts of Alabama, Arizona, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nebraska and Wyoming have an extremely severe drought. 亚利桑那州、密西西比州、蒙大拿州部分地方干旱极其严重。
- Despite the deflation of its housing bubble and a severe drought, the kangaroo economy keeps bouncing along. 尽管其房地产泡沫的紧缩以及严重的干旱,但是袋鼠经济仍保持着跳跃似的增长。
- The face of severe drought, floods, hail and other natural disasters, the rural economy better results. 面对严重干旱、雨涝、冰雹等多种自然灾害,农村经济取得较好成绩。
- A severe drought on the Messir Plateau in 1997 meant that none of the females had foals. 1997年梅西尔高原发生严重乾旱,没有任何一匹雌驴有生产后代。
- This new outlook suggests, for instance, that the Akkadian Empire in Mesopotamia may have been one of the earliest complex societies felled by severe drought. 例如,这一新观点表明美索不达米亚高原上的阿卡滇帝国可能是最早被严重的于旱灭亡的复杂的社会形态之一。阿卡滇帝国建立于公元前2300年左右。
- Chinese authorities blame global warming for torrential rains that have killed hundreds this year, as severe drought bakes other parts of the country. 中国当局把今年导致数百人死亡的暴雨和其它地区的严重干旱归咎于全球气候变暖。
- In Ethiopia, Holmes says a severe drought and diseases such as diarrhea, measles, and meningitis, have compounded the humanitarian crisis. 霍姆斯说,在埃塞俄比亚,一场严重干旱和痢疾、麻疹及髓膜炎等疾病的流行都加剧了人道危机。
- While the Eastern Pacific area is being pummeled by extra rain, areas like Australia, Indonesia and India deal with severe drought. 当东太平洋地区受到过多雨水的连续袭击时,象澳大利亚、印度尼西亚和印度之类的地区正在应对严重干旱。
- During a severe drought, the evil Tulgah witch Morag captured Izrina, and used her magic to transform her into an actual being of fire. 在一场严重的旱灾期间,邪恶的图尔加女巫莫拉格抓住了伊兹里娜。她用魔法把伊兹里娜变成了真正的火人。
- This new outlook suggests,for instance,that the Akkadian Empire in Mesopotamia may have been one of the earliest complex societies felled by severe drought. 例如,这一新观点表明美索不达米亚高原上的阿卡滇帝国可能是最早被严重的于旱灭亡的复杂的社会形态之一。阿卡滇帝国建立于公元前2300年左右。
- The region is still reeling from a severe drought last summer, the worst in decades, which forced tens of thousands of farmers to leave in search of work elsewhere. 重庆直辖市有三千多万人口,去年夏天的那场旱灾是近几十年来最严重的,成千上万的农民不得不离开家乡,另谋出路。
- Using it, he has built up a series of tree-ring chronologies from Thailand and Vietnam that indicate a period of severe drought across mainland South-East Asia in the early 1400s. 使用这个标记,他已经建立了从泰国和越南的一系列树木年轮年表,以表明在十五世纪早期横贯大陆和东南亚的一段严重的干旱期。