- In addition, we should encourage them to contribute money to run schools and build roads, although we definitely should not set quotas for them. 还有,提倡有的人富裕起来以后,自愿拿出钱来办教育、修路。当然,决不能搞摊派
- Mr Townend told the conference of teachers from state and independent schools that he would not want to see universities set quotas for state school pupils, which would be unfair. 英国许所大学表示,国家高等教育基金委员会已向他们下达了招收更多公立学校毕业生的指使。
- The CFP limits how long a boat can be at sea and sets quotas for how much it can catch, and of what. 共同渔业政策限制了每艘渔船的出海时间,并设置了其捕鱼量及可捕鱼的种类。
- We can scrape along without asking for subsidies. 我们不要求补助也能过下去。
- All the salesmen met their quota for the month. 推销员都要完成他们每个月的定额。
- Have you reached your predicted quota for this quarter? 你达到了本季度预期的任务量了吗?
- They overfulfilled their quotas for five years running. 一连5年他们都超额完成任务。
- He overfulfilled his production quota for two months running. 他一连两个月超额完成生产指标。
- Hae you reached your predicted quota for this quarter? 你达到了本季度预期的任务量了吗?
- Our school has already fulfilled its enrolment quota for this year. 我校今年招生已经满额。
- The government has fixed yearly quotas for the import of Japanese cars. 政府已经订好日本车每年进口的配额。
- They sometimes lobby to increase tariffs and to set quotas on imports of foreign-made substitutes. 它们有时运动国会提高关税和对外国制造的同种产品设置进口限额。
- Boundary Control Points. The cross-boundary coach services quota for. 管制站往来香港和内地的过境巴士服务。
- Priority condition is that Chinese government has not the quota for Su Dan. 首先要具备的条件是对苏丹来讲中国政府有没有额度。
- In economic affairs,the Qing promoted the simultaneous development of farming and livestock breeding,with the emphasis on farming. It also reduced taxes and fixed quotas for financial subsidies. 经济方面,推行以农业为主,农牧并举的经济措施,采取减轻赋税,确定财政定额补贴制度等。
- In economic affairs, the Qing promoted the simultaneous development of farming and livestock breeding, with the emphasis on farming. It also reduced taxes and fixed quotas for financial subsidies. 经济方面,推行以农业为主,农牧并举的经济措施,采取减轻赋税,确定财政定额补贴制度等。
- This will bring substantial new revenues into the system, lowering premiums for everyone and reducing the need for subsidies. 这将使大量新的收入纳入该系统,从而使每个人保费降低,减少补贴的需要。
- The quota for energy consumption per unit product shall be set in a scientific and rational manner. 制定单位产品能耗限额应当科学、合理。
- If the projects work (one in Corsica was less successful), Mr Frattini would like to scale them up, with member countries eventually setting import quotas for foreign labour. 如果这项计划得以顺利实施(在科西嘉岛的一项类似试点工程效果并不理想),弗拉蒂尼希望能够将这种模式扩展到那些对外国劳动力设立进口限额的国家。
- We recommend the Diocese to establish a youth foundation, thereby all groups can apply for subsidies in order to support various activities in the parish. 教区宜设立青少年牧民基金,公开让各团体申请筹办活动,鼓励堂区及青少年团体推展各项计划。