- The prisoner had hopes that he might be set free. 这个囚犯希望能获得释放。
- We pray you that the prisoner may be set free . 我们恳求你释放犯人。
- After three years the prisoner was set free. 三年之后犯人被释放了。
- We pray you that the prisoner may be set free. 我们恳求你释放犯人。
- He will be set free as soon as the fine is paid. 只要交了罚款,他就会被释放。
- In the absence of firm evidence the prisoner was set free. 因缺乏确证,被告被释放了。
- The convicts were pardoned and set free. 那些囚犯获赦释放。
- The judge suggested that the prisoner (should) be set free. 法官建议这个犯人应予以释放。
- You will be set free soon if you behave well in the prison. 在监狱中如你好好表现,将在不久后被释放。
- set free prisoner 释放俘虏/囚犯
- The nation was reunited and the slaves were set free. 国家重新统一了,奴隶获得了自由。
- The general directed that the prisoners should be set free. 将军下令释放犯人。
- It's wise to stake out each freed prisoner for a few months after he gets out of prison. 在获释的每个犯人出狱的头几个月里,派人对其监视是明智的。
- By the irony of fate, the prisoner dies on the very day he is set free. 由于命运的嘲弄,那囚犯就死在被释放的当天。
- By the irony of fate,the prisoner died on the very day he was set free. 由于命运的嘲弄,那囚犯就死在被释放的当天。
- By the irony of fate,the prisoner dies on the very day he is set free. 由于命运的嘲弄,那囚犯就死在被释放的当天。
- They broke into the prison and set free more than50 patriots imprisoned there. 他们打进监狱,释放了关在那里的五十多名爱国人士。
- The evidence given by his friend turned the balance, and the boy was set free. 这男孩的朋友的证词起了决定性的作用,结果他被释放了。
- Through the agency of friends he was set free. 由于朋友的奔走,他得以释放。
- Do as I tell you and you shall be set free. 照我的话做,你就会获释的。