- The pedlars, whether they carry their wares around on a pole or set up stalls along the street, have tiny funds and very small earnings, and do not make enough to feed and clothe themselves. 小贩不论肩挑叫卖,或街畔摊售,总之本小利微,吃着不够。
- The pedlars,whether they carry their wares around on a pole or set up stalls along the street,have tiny funds and very small earnings,and do not make enough to feed and clothe themselves. 小贩不论肩挑叫卖,或街畔摊售,总之本小利微,吃着不够。
- Set up stalls along the street 沿街设摊;摊售
- The operators in the buildings and structures along the roads and around the squares may not set up stalls beyond the doors and windows and the outer walls. 本市道路两侧和广场周围建筑物、构筑物内的经营者不得超出门窗和外墙设摊经营。
- The procession passed along the street. 游行队伍沿着街道前进。
- The drunkard staggered along the street. 那醉汉趔趄着走在街上。
- Patrols were set up on the streets. 街上组建了巡逻队。
- Lots of motels have been set up along the freeway. 沿着高速公路已经建起了很多汽车旅馆。
- Marching along the street is a group of students. 沿着街道行进的是一群学生。
- Take a right and walk up along the street to 777. 右转弯,沿街一直走到777号。
- Lamp posts are standing at intervals along the street. 灯柱在街道两边相间排列。
- A drunken man was walking unsteadily along the street. 一个喝醉了的男子踉踉跄跄地走在大街上。
- Mary wheeled the pram along the street. 玛丽推着四轮婴儿车在街上走。
- A drunken man shambled along the street. 一个喝醉酒的人沿街箧而行。
- Trees are standing at intervals along the street. 树木林立。
- Turn right and walk up along the street to 388. 往右拐弯,沿街一直走到388号。
- He was a bit tipsy,reeling along the street. 他已有几分醉意,沿大街蹒跚而行。
- Blocking traffic by putting up shelters, building houses, setting up stalls, piling up goods or conducting other operations without approval of the appropriate department. (十一)未经主管部门批准,在街道上搭棚、盖房、摆摊、堆物或者有其他妨碍交通行为的。
- The soldiers swung along the street. 士兵们沿路摇摇摆摆地前进。
- The soldiers marched along the street. 士兵们行进在街道上。