- The scandal set tongues wagging. 这一丑闻引起人们议论纷纷。
- Their scandalousaffair has really set tongues wagging. 他们的风流事可招来了不少闲话。
- Their scandalous affair has really set tongues wagging. 他们的风流事可招来了不少闲话。
- Do you think if we leave the party together it will set tongues wagging? 你认为我们一起离开晚会会引起别人说三道四吗?
- The news set tongues wagging. 那则消息使人们议论纷纷。
- set tongue wagging 成为闲语材料
- set tongues wagging 给人以说闲话的口实,惹人家说长道短
- A woman's tongue wags like a lamb's tail. 女人的舌头像羊羔的尾巴一样摇摆不停。
- From histrademark tongue wag to his game-winning shot in the 1998 NBA Finals,MJ was the most electrifying player to ever step on a court. 他在1998年总决赛的致命一击,你就知道他从踏上球场起就是最有震撼力的球员。
- Prissy's mouth fell open and her tongue wagged wordlessly. 百里茜张口结舌说不出话来了。
- The steady, loping strides as Bryant drives the ball upcourt, tongue wagging; the backward strut, head nodding, after he buries a jump shot; even the timbre and rhythm of his speech when he addresses the media are all vintage Jordan. 当科比在稳定、大步突破上篮时吐舌头;在投进一个跳投后,边背向退回后场,边点头;甚至在面对媒体讲话时他的音色和节奏都很像乔丹的。
- In November 2006, Beijing hosted a lavish Forum for China-Africa Cooperation which set pundits' tongues wagging in the West. 2006年十月,北京以东道主的身份举办了中非合作论坛,这使得西方评论员对此喋喋不休。
- I think it was their dancing together that really started tongues wagging. 我认为真正引起人家说长道短的事情是他们在一起跳舞。
- Too many tongues wagged in this place. 太多人在这里造谣。
- The smell rushed out, and so did the tiny dogs, tongues wagging, yipping, unaware of their central role in an issue gripping China’s capital city. 气味冲了出来,然后是小狗,舌头摆动,吠个不停,对自己在中国的首都一份引人关注的公告的中心角色毫不知情。
- David Beckham, shown in an April Real Madrid match, has set tongues clucking with his most recent tattoo. 大卫贝克汉姆在四月的一场皇马比赛中展示的最新纹身引起话题。
- Their secret meetings set the villagers to wag their tongue. 他们秘密相会,使村民们议论纷纷。
- It is now our aim to set up a factory. 我们现在的目的是创办一座工厂。
- I know that his tongue wags. 我知道他一说话就喋喋不休。
- Your tongue wags too freely. 你的嘴太随便了。