- Now they have set their sights on nothing less than global domination. 现在他们把视线投向地球的主宰权。
- Chinese media have set their sights on the IAAF Shanghai Golden Grand Prix in September for Liu's return. 中国媒体纷纷认为帅哥刘翔将在今年9月在上海举办嘀国际田联黄金大奖赛回归赛场。
- Hence, the Bianconeri have set their sights on Blucerchiati's general manager Marotta. 因此,斑马军团将目光落在了蓝环军团总经理马洛塔的身上。
- Hired to track down Knox,Charlie's Angels set their sights on his rival,Roger Corwin,who owns Red Star Systems,the world's largest telecommunications satellite network. 受雇查寻诺克斯的下落,查理的天使们将目光瞄准了他的竞争对手罗杰·科温,他拥有世界上最大的卫星电信网络--红星系统。
- Many of the young girls I know set their sights on lofty goals and try very hard to accomplish what they aim at. 许多我所认识的女孩都着眼于宏伟的目标并为实现这些目标而努力。
- Many young people set their sights on lofty goals and work hard to achieve them. 许多年轻人着眼于宏伟的目标并努力实现这些目标。
- To stave off infighting, coalition partners have set their sights on ousting Mr. 为了避免内部纷争,执政联盟的组成方一直在想方设法让穆沙拉夫下台。
- Morwood and Soejono set their sights on reaching bedrock and began digging in July 2001. 2001年7月起,摩伍德与苏约诺的团队开始在梁布亚挖掘,目标是挖到基岩为止。
- "The two leaders have set their sights on achieving a fair and last solution and I think Cypriots are right to have high expectations," said Pascoe. 帕斯科说:“两位领导人已经决心要达成一个公正和长久的解决办法,我认为塞浦路斯人怀有很高的期望是正确的。
- A variety of researchers swiftly set their sights on this potential new therapeutic target in the most deadly form of skin cancer. 于是,许多研究人员马上把注意力放在这个具有潜力的新目标上,希望找出治疗这种最致命皮肤癌的方法。
- The orange roughy, a slow-growing perch now marketed as empereur, was virtually fished out in British waters soon after trawlermen set their sights on it in 1991. 罗非鱼是一种生长缓慢的鲈鱼,现在市场售价极贵,实际上它在1991年被渔民盯上后不久,就在英国海域被捕尽。
- Barnard says the whole club have set their sights on reaching the final in Rome to make up for the disappointments of last term's final defeat to Manchester United. 巴纳德说整个俱乐部已经开始瞄准在罗马举行的决赛;以弥补上次决赛被曼联击败的失望.
- When the trio set their sights on a ruin guarded by a magic seal, they decide to hire an experienced female magician but end up with a clumsy male novice named Louie. 有一天,她们看上了一处被神秘法术封印住的非区,她们决定俜请一位女魔术师来合作,乱打乱撞的就请了一位手脚笨作的男人名叫路易。
- However, some experienced Valley financiers warn that most of the companies that have set their sights on Wall Street will never make it and will be forced instead to sell out to a larger company. 不过,一些有经验的硅谷金融家警告称,在将目光投向华尔街的公司中,多数最终将无法成功上市,而不得不把自己卖给一家规模更大的公司。
- Some people are too ambitious,while others don't set their sights high enough. 有些人过于雄心勃勃,而有些人则没有一点远大的理想。
- When Western mountaineers first set their sights on the world's highest peak, they found in the Sherpas a people ideally suited to the rigors of high-altitude climbing; 当西方登山者最初把目光落在这一世界最高峰的时候,他们便发现夏尔巴人对高海拔登山中的严峻条件具有完美的适应性。
- I've set my sights on winning the championship. 我下定决心要赢得冠军。
- set their sights onvt. 以 ... 作为自己的目标(希望得到)
- Henry Hill is a small time gangster, who takes part in a robbery with Jimmy Conway and Tommy De Vito, two other gangsters who have set their sights a bit higher. 1955年,美国纽约市的东布鲁克林区,中学生亨利从小厌恶学习加入了黑帮并成为骨干。亨利和同伙抢劫谋杀并认识了凯伦,不久他们就结婚了。
- If you say that someone sets their sights low , you mean that they are unambitious and do not achieve as much as they could. 任何媒体、网站或个人未经本网协议授权不得转载、链接、转贴或以其他方式复制发表。