- set my cat atvt. 挑逗
- My cat makes a punctual appearance at mealtimes. 我的猫一到用餐时间就会准时出现。
- My cat have its ear rip open by a dog. 我的猫的耳朵被狗咬破了。
- My cat's been very ill, poor old thing. 我的猫病得挺厉害,真可怜。
- My cat likes to lie beside me when I am at home. 我在家的时候,我的猫总是喜欢躺在我旁边。
- I've set my sights on winning the championship. 我下定决心要赢得冠军。
- I entrusted my cat to a friend while I was away. 我不在家时把猫托给朋友照料。
- Your vicious dog is menacing my cat! 你那条恶狗对我家的猫太凶了!
- Her promise of support set my mind at ease. 她答应支持我,就使我放心了。
- Shall I at least set my lands in order? 是否我至少整理我的家乡?
- I've set my heart on that new coat. 我已打定主意要得到那件新外套。
- Because you set my mind at ease. 036因为你让我非常放心。
- He found a dead cat at the door. 他在门口发现一只死猫。
- Having this fund has set my mind at ease. 有了这笔资金,我就算吃了定心丸。
- Dawn found her pet cat at the pound. 唐在动物收容所找到了她的宠猫
- I entrust my cat to a friend while I am away. 我不在家时把猫托给朋友照料。
- Would you take care of my cat while I'm away? 我不在时,帮我照料我的猫咪好吗?
- Don't set my words at naught, they are the outcome of experience. 不要把我的话当话,这是经验之谈。
- I'm taking my cat to the vet to get her fixed. 我把我的猫带到兽医那儿去阉割。
- My cat unplugged my alarm clock. 我的猫把我的闹铃关了。