- She set herself to finish her homework. 她竭力设法做完家庭作业。
- set herself rightvt. 辩白自己
- set herself right withvt. 辩白自己
- She always delights to prove herself right. 她总是喜欢证明她自己是对的。
- She set herself to learn the poem by heart. 她集中精力要把这首诗背下来。
- She's set herself a difficult task. 她给自己安排了一项艰巨任务。
- She set herself out for the festival. 她打扮得漂漂亮亮过节。
- She set herself up as a hairdresser. 她自己开了个理发店。
- Linda likes being in red to set herself apart from the other girls. 琳达喜欢穿红色衣服以示与其他姑娘的区别。
- She set herself out to give the children a good time. 她不辞辛劳让孩子们过得愉快。
- She set herself out in her best dress for the dancing party. 她穿上最好的衣服,打扮得漂漂亮亮参加舞会。
- She set herself out in her best dress for the dinner party. 她穿上最讲究的衣服准备赴宴。
- She set herself out to finish the work within this week. 她力图在本周内完成这项工作。
- Mother was always willing to set herself out to help people. 妈妈总是乐于费心去帮助别人。
- She suddenly felt unequal to the task she had set herself. 她突然觉得难以完成自己定下的任务。
- Oh, if she could only see some way to make herself right with the world, to live honourably, to be decent. 啊,她怎能够挽回世上人的这种成见,让她体体面面的生活着,规规矩矩的做个人呢?
- She's set herself a difficult task/set a difficult task for herself. 她给自己提出一个艰巨的任务.
- Knowing the life fleeting, she set herself to enjoy if as best as she could. 她知道这种日子转瞬即逝,于是让自已尽情地享受。
- What I dislike about her is that she is so self-satisfied. She tries to set herself as a guiding star to everyone she knows. 我所不喜欢她的是她的自负。她试图把自己当成是她认识的每个人的榜样。
- She set herself seriously to peel, and when it was transformed into such a wand as the Treasurer or high steward bears on public occasion. 她细心地剥掉树皮,让它变成一位宫庭总管在接见平民时手持的权杖。