- Compared to predial servitude,the right to the use of cartilage is more close to servitus personarum in the purpose of legislation,the construction of right and act. 如果把农村宅基地使用权的性质界定为地上权,将不得不在该制度内部创设许多例外,这样就破坏了地上权制度本身的完整性。
- servitus personarum 人役权
- The modern family contains in germ not only slavery (servitus), but also serfdom, since from the beginning it is related to agricultural services. “现代家庭在萌芽时,不仅包含着奴隶制(servitus),而且也包含着农奴制,因为它从一开始就是同田间耕作的劳役有关的。
- People’s life in Tibet has been aspiringly improved,Tibet people has jura personarum and education and religeon belief right,they have enough medical guarantee. 中国政府改善西藏的交通,建设了青藏铁路,建立了西藏和外部世界沟通的沟通渠道,这个过程的艰辛远超出你们想象。
- Servitus ne luminibus officiatur 禁止妨碍采光役权
- Servitus ne luminibus prospectui offciatur 禁止妨碍眺望采光役权
- Servitus stillicidii vel fluminis non avertendi 禁止妨碍通水或流水役权
- unitas personarum [法] 人的结合
- uniuersitas personarum [法] 自然人的团体
- servitudes personarum 人役权
- servitutes personarum 适用范围
- servitus 役权
- viable servitus [法] 在他人土地上的通过权
- jura personarum [法] 人权, 人身权利
- jus personarum [法] 人身权