- Serve the masses of customers sincerely! 真诚为广大客户服务!
- Mahayana Buddhism must take the path of serving the mass public. 大乘佛法必须要走群众路线。
- The motive of serving the masses is inseparably linked with the effect of winning their approval; the two must be united. 为大众的动机和被大众欢迎的效果,是分不开的,必须使二者统一起来。
- If we all aim at serving the masses of workers and peasants,our front will of course be united. 如果目的都在工农大众,那当然战线也就统一了。
- Old age, many apprentices are learning, Mr. ethics, passion for serving the masses. 晚年,授徒多人,均学习先生医德,热情为群众服务。
- Kenai is hoping for serving the masses of users with good quality and good after-sale service of his own products, and "leading to the new fashion of the floor decoration ". 柯耐希望以自身产品的优良品质及良好的售后服务为广大用户服务,“引领地板装饰新时尚”。
- Never stand aloof from the masses. 千万不可脱离群众。
- The motive of serving the individual or a small clique is not good, nor is it good to have the motive of serving the masses without the effect of winning their approval and benefiting them. 为个人的和狭隘集团的动机是不好的,有为大众的动机但无被大众欢迎、对大众有益的效果,也是不好的。
- She enjoyed high prestige among the masses. 她在群众中享有很高威信。
- If we go against this aim,if what we give the cadres cannot help them educate and guide the masses,our work of raising standards will be like shooting at random and will depart from the fundamental principle of serving the masses of the people. 如果违背了这个目的,如果我们给予干部的并不能帮助干部去教育群众、指导群众,那末,我们的提高工作就是无的放矢,就是离开了为人民大众的根本原则。
- He is liked by the classes and the masses. 上层社会的人士和普通的民从都喜欢他。
- The masses gain experience through struggle. 群众通过斗争可以取得经验。
- The motive of serving the individual or a small clique is not good,nor is it good to have the motive of serving the masses without the effect of winning their approval and benefiting them. 为个人的和狭隘集团的动机是不好的,有为大众的动机但无被大众欢迎、对大众有益的效果,也是不好的。
- For the same reason,every Party member must cultivate a work style of serving the people,holding himself responsible to the masses,never failing to consult them,and being ever ready to share their joys and sorrows. 每一个党员必须养成为人民服务、向群众负责、遇事同群众商量和同群众共甘苦的工作作风。
- The mass rally was a total fiasco. 那次群众集会彻底失败。
- To sum up: through the creative labour of revolutionary writers and artists,the raw materials found in the life of the people are shaped into the ideological form of literature and art serving the masses of the people. 总起来说,人民生活中的文学艺术的原料,经过革命作家的创造性的劳动而形成观念形态上的为人民大众的文学艺术。
- He maintained close ties with the masses. 他和群众保持着密切的联系。
- His concern for the masses made an indelible impression on us. 他对群众的关怀给我们留下不可磨灭的印象。
- How can we tolerate praising it to the masses, especially when such praise flaunts the revolutionary banner of "serving the people" and when the failure of revolutionary peasant struggles is used as a foil to accentuate the praise? 向着人民群众歌颂这种丑恶的行为,甚至打出“为人民服务”的革命旗号来歌颂,甚至用革命的农民斗争的失败作为反衬来歌颂,这难道是我们所能够容忍的吗?
- I think it my duty to serve the people. 我认为为人民服务是我的责任。