- Serving More Readers and Providing Free Service are the Key to Improve the Availability Rate of Libraries and Construct a Harmonious Society 广纳读者、免费服务是图书馆提高利用率进而促进和谐社会建设的切入点
- The magazine is trying to get more readers to subscribe. 该杂志正大力发展新订户。
- serving more readers 广纳读者
- The magazine is trying to get more reader to subscribe. 该杂志正大力发展新订户。
- Many readers reluct at works containing dialect. 许多读者都反对含有方言的作品。
- Argumentative and Wang Yingxia time in more readers than they read Yu. 追根究底,与其说读者在读王映霞,不如说他们在读郁达夫。
- It is one of the places familiar to most readers. 也是读者最熟悉的地名。
- A book for most readers of this column. 一本针对本专栏大多数读者的书。
- Many readers were offended with her latest book. 许多读者对她的近作很不满意。
- Czech Republic's Prague Metro is a burgeoning50- km system serving more than a million passengers a day. 捷克共和国的布拉格地铁是一个包括50公里长线路的新兴系统,日均服务超过100多万名旅客。
- There are thousands of eating places in Beijing, serving more than half a dozen different Chinese cuisines. 北京有数以千计的美食城,能提供六七种不同菜系的餐饮服务。
- It is the constitution that forbids a president serving more than two consecutive terms. 正是这部宪法阻止了普京先生继续他的第三个任期。
- I believe that most readers will identify with the author. 我相信大多数读者会与作者产生共鸣。
- Through serving more than a month, I am less than its own, I will in future work to learn more from each other, take heart perhaps consult. 通过在职的一个多月里,我深感自己的不足,我会在以后的工作学习中更加努力,取长补短,需心求教。
- That may be too schematized a presentation to most readers. 对大多数读者来说,这样的描述可能太程式化了。
- Some of the fighters had already served more than their term. 有些战士服役已不止一期。
- The price rise caused many readers to desert the magazine. 价格上涨让使这本杂志丧失了很多读者。
- The story is interesting enough to attract a great many readers. 这个故事足够有趣,吸引许许多多的读者。
- Many readers treasured her books with her autograph. 许多读者珍爱有她亲笔签名的书。
- This model seems so simple, so basic, that many readers will scoff. 这一模式看上去那么的简单,那么的初级,以至于找来许多读者的嘲笑。