- Like manufacturing, the services sector is dominated by SMEs. 与制造业一样,服务业同样是以中小型企业为主。
- Like manufacturing,the services sector is dominated by SMEs. 与制造业一样,服务业同样是以中小型企业为主。
- On the mainland the financial services sector has recently been opening. 中国大陆的金融服务领域最近开始对外开放。
- The fact is that close to 85% of our GDP is generated by the services sector. 事实上,香港服务业的生产价值,占本地生产总值近85%25。
- Japan service sector activity down, outlook bright. 日本服务业活动在三月份出现了连续第二个月的减。
- We will open the service sector to the outside world step by step. 逐步推进服务领域开放。
- We will promote the services sector and facilitate the development of value-added and high technology industries. 促进服务业的增长,推动高增值制造业和高科技工业。
- Our financial services sector is the best in the world - London, a pre-eminent financial centre. 我们的金融服务部门是世界上最好的-伦敦,一个非常卓越的金融中心。
- It will explore ways to step up training to enhance professional quality in the financial services sector. 论坛会探讨为提升业界人才素质如何加强培训的方法。
- We should devote more efforts to developing the service sector. 我们应更大力地发展服务性行业。
- The securities industry is an important part of the financial services sector which is a major pillar of. 证券业是金融服务其中一个重要范畴,而金融服务业则是香港主要经济支柱之一。
- The services sector (45%) and trade (30%) are largely predominant, followed by construction and industry. 主要经济领域为服务行业(占45%25)和商业(30%25),其次是建筑行业和工业。
- We will continue to develop, for example, the financial services sector, by improving market conditions and promoting the emergence of new products. 举例来说,我们会继续发展金融服务业,改善市场的条件,以及鼓励市埸推出新的产品。
- However the increasing of services sector creates the most of employments in labor market. 若个别检视工业与服务业,则可发现工业就业人数的变动主要受制造业、营造业所影响。
- The Bureau says the new data showed the services sector was much larger than previously thought. 国家统计局说,新数据显示,服务行业的规模比原先的估计要大得多。
- Thomas Liaw analyzes the impact China's WTO accession will have on the financial services sector. ThomasLiaw分析了中国入世后对金融服务部分的影响。
- Between 1988 and 1998,the net output or value-added of the services sector grew strongly,by an annual average of 12 per cent in value terms. 一九八八至一九九八年间,服务业的生产净额或增值组成部分快速上升,以价值计算,每年平均上升12%25。
- It is not in Hong Kong's interest to do so. The fact is that close to 85% of our GDP is generated by the services sector. 我要指出一个事实,香港服务业的生产价值,占本地生产总值近85%25。
- Robust manufacturing and service sector data also boosted Wall Street. 制造业与服务业数据稳健亦刺激美股造好。
- The share of the services sector in total employment surged from 48 per cent in 1980 to 63 per cent in 1990,and further to about 82 per cent in 1999. 服务业的就业人数占总就业人数的比率,由一九八零年的48%25急升至一九九零年的63%25,到一九九九年更升至约82%25。