- You may need the services of a lawyer. 你也许需要律师的帮助。
- They need the services of a good lawyer. 他们需要找个能干的律师协助处理。
- Customizing service of innovated lithium battery products. 新型智能锂电产品的定制化服务。
- The profession, duties, and services of a minister. 牧师职务牧师的职业、职务和服务
- He can't do without (the services of) a secretary. 他不能没有秘书(的协助).
- The central services of that broadcasting company to some extent feed off the regional stations. 那家广播公司中央台的业务在某种程度上是依靠地方台供应材料的。
- The central services of the BBC to some extent feed off the regional stations. 在某种程度度上,BBC总部要从地方机构获取消息。
- A surge of innovation in techniques is on the horizon. 技术改进的浪潮即将出现。
- We need the services of a doctor. 我们需要医生的诊治。
- He died in the service of his country. 他为国捐躯。
- You need the services of a good lawyer. 你需要找一位好律师来帮助你。
- You need the services of a doctor. 你需要看医生。
- Important services of public welfare in nature. (五)重要的公益性服务价格。
- The period of service of a minister. 牧师任期充当牧师的时限
- Presented conception of finance-transportation and warehouse (FTW) and the developing current situation,the background and purpose,the function and the mode of innovation and integration increasing service of logistics. 介绍了融通仓的概念和发展现状、研究背景和目的以及创新集成物流增值服务的功能和模式。
- ORG]Farmworker Legal Services Of New York, Inc. 访问数/每百万人:Reach for [FLSNY.
- We will provide omnidirectional logistics services for all customers by means of innovating 、ameliorating、fulfiling demands. 在新的形势下,与时俱进,通过不断创新,持续改进、满足需求,更好地为广大客户提供全方位的物流服务。
- A cleric who directs the choral services of a church or cathedral. 领唱者指挥教堂或圣公会大教堂合唱赞美诗的牧师
- Or, town of innovation, planning and panache? 还是一座具有创新气概、精心规划和流光溢彩的名城?
- Gwen introduced a number of innovative solutions. 提出了许多创新立异的解决方法。