- Cannot open Certificate Services database: %ws. 无法打开证书服务数据库
- Call Management Services Database (CMSDB). 呼叫管理业务数据库 (CMSDB)。
- Business Services Database (BSDB). 商业服务数据库 (BSDB)。
- Only the contents of the Analysis Services database are backed up. 只备份Analysis Services数据库的内容。
- The specified service database lock is invalid. 指定的服务数据库锁定无效。
- Deploying an Analysis Services database successfully requires planning and an understanding of staging servers. 若要成功部署Analysis Services数据库,需要设计和了解临时服务器。
- You can use the SC. Exe command-line tool with the command sc QueryLock to see if the services database is locked. 可以使用SC.;exe命令行工具和sc QueryLock命令来查看服务数据库是否已被锁定。
- Open Management Studio, locate an Analysis Services database, and expand the database container. 打开Management Studio,定位到某个Analysis Services数据库并展开数据库容器。
- Analysis Services uses a separate encryption key to encrypt connection string information for each Analysis Services database. Analysis Services使用单独的加密密钥来对每个Analysis Services数据库的连接字符串信息加密。
- For details about selecting a database for application data, see Creating and Configuring the Application Services Database for SQL Server. 有关为应用程序数据选择数据库的详细信息,请参见为SQL Server创建和配置应用程序服务数据库。
- For example, the Organization dimension in the Adventure Works DW sample Analysis Services database contains a member for each employee. 例如,Adventure Works DW示例Analysis Services数据库中的“组织”维度包含了表示每个雇员的成员。
- This attribute type identifies the aggregation function of an account member in an account type dimension in the Analysis Services database. 此特性类型用于标识Analysis Services数据库的帐户类型维度中的帐户成员的聚合函数。
- You can develop an Analysis Services database by using Business Intelligence Development Studio in either project mode or online mode. 您可以在项目模式或联机模式下使用Business Intelligence Development Studio来开发Analysis Services数据库。
- Members of an Analysis Services database role granted permission to administer a database have full access to all the objects in the database. 被授予数据库管理权限的Analysis Services数据库角色成员对该数据库中的所有对象具有完全访问权限。
- A direct connection to an Analysis Services database, through which changes can be made directly to that database rather than through a project. 与Analysis Services数据库的直接连接,通过此连接可以直接更改该数据库而不用通过某项目。
- The Removable Storage Service database notification is not responding. 可移动存储服务数据库通知没有响应。
- Use Database Designer in Business Intelligence Development Studio to edit the properties of an Analysis Services database. 使用Business Intelligence Development Studio中的数据库设计器,可以编辑Analysis Services数据库的属性。
- NET which has realized a new search on group-vist of WEB service database. NET实现WEB服务数据库组合访问的一种新探索。
- Use the Mining Model Properties dialog box in SQL Server Management Studio to set the properties of a mining model in an Analysis Services database. 使用SQL Server Management Studio中的“挖掘模型属性”对话框,可以设置Analysis Services数据库中挖掘模型的属性。
- Stored procedures simplify Analysis Services database development and implementation by allowing common code to be developed once and stored in a single location. 程序集通过使通用代码可以一次开发并存储在单个位置中,简化Analysis Services数据库开发和实现。