- Reverse the procedure described above for insertion into the service position. 按上述进入工作位置相反过程操作;
- Remove the trolley from the service position to the test/disconnected position. 手动将手车从运行位置移到试验/隔离位置。
- And after so many years in a service position, a higher terrain in your career life is finally in sight! 您是否觉得在服务岗位工作多年,迫切需要对自身职业发展有更大提升?
- My customer service position at the telephone company involved dealing occasionally with irate customers. 答:我在电话公司的顾客服务部时经常会接触到一些怒气冲冲的顾客。
- The trolley doesn't stop any centre position in service position and test/disconnected position. 手车不允许停留在运行位置和试验/隔离位置之间的任何中间位置。
- Only the truck quite in the test or service position, VCB can be closed (machine and electric interlock). 手车已完全处于试验或运行位置时,断路器才能合闸(机械和电气联锁)。
- Slowly insert the withdrawable part from the test/disconnected position towards the service position until auxiliary switch (S8) just operates. 慢慢使手车从试验/隔离位置向工作位置移动直到试验位置辅助开关刚切换;
- Turn the crank clockwise through approx. 45 turns until the stop is reached and the withdrawable part is in the service position. 用手车推进摇把顺时针摇动丝杠大概45圈,直到丝杠到达被限制转动位置,此时可移开单元处于工作位置;
- Move the withdrawable part out of the test/disconnected position towards the service position with a few turns of the crank. 摇动手柄几圈使手车离开试验/隔离位置向工作位置移动;
- VCB and earth switch in the OPEN position, you can move the truck from the test/disconnected position to service position. 断路器和接地开关在分闸位置时,手车能从试验/隔离位置移动到运行位置。
- The truck is in the test or service position, but no given control voltage, VCB is not closed, only manual open (electric interlock). 手车在试验或运行位置而没有控制电压时,断路器不能合闸,仅能手动分闸(电气联锁)。
- The withdrawable part cannot be moved from the test/disconnencted position into the service position when the earthing switch is closed (chanical interlock). 只有可移开单元在试验/隔离位置时,方可插上和解除二次插头;
- With the circuit-breaker closed, insertion of the withdrawable part towards the service position must be blocked after only half a turn of the crank in the clockwise direction. 如果断路器处于合闸状态,手车向工作位置的操作必须被机械联锁锁定。
- With the earthing switch closed, insertion of the withdrawable part towards the service position must be blocked after only two clockwise turns of the crank. 如果接地开关处于合闸状态,手车向工作位置的操作必须被机械联锁锁定。
- A 10% service charge is added on to the bill. 帐单上包括了百分之十的服务费。
- The typewriter is at your service. 这台打字机随便你使用。
- According to permanent civil service positions and the level of integrity and work performance and qualifications set. 公务员的级别根据所任职务及其德才表现、工作实绩和资历确定。
- Applicants testing positive on the HBV serologic tests were excluded from civil service positions. 凡在检测中HBV呈阳性者将会失去被录取成为政府公务员的资格。
- A new bus line has been brought into service. 开辟了一条新的公共汽车线。
- Its slow service gave the restaurant a bad name. 这家餐馆因缺乏效率的服务搞得名声很坏。