- Implementation scheme of the CID service based on DSP. 基于DSP的双向CID业务流程实现方案
- Lester Thurow discusses the Knowledge Based Economy and Global Competition. 莱斯特.;梭罗;将讨论知识经济和全球竞争。
- This paper argues that a Name Server can provide name Service based on CCITT X. 本文所介绍的名字服务器可以提供采用X.
- In knowledge based economy era, university should be run by itself with government limited and society open. 知识经济时代,大学应该是民主自治的、政府应该是有限的、社会应该是开放的。
- The case occurred in a 24-year-old member of the military service based in Beijing. 该病例发生于驻在北京的军队1名24岁成员。
- The era of knowledge based economy demands more high-level talents,which leads to freer talent flow. 在知识经济时代,对高层次人才的需求更加紧迫,人才流动的自由度越来越大。
- Color Ring Back Tone is an individually and diversely service based on caller and callee. 摘要多彩回铃音提供一种基于不同主、被叫的差异化、个性化回铃音服务。
- An instance of bus navigation service based on Grid MLS is developed;and its application foreground is expounded. 实现了基于网格移动定位服务中公交导航服务的实例,阐述了网格移动定位服务的应用前景。
- They were practical ideas to start to put in place the vision that we have for a more imaginative, dynamic and broadly based economy for the new century. 我提出了一些务实的方案,以实现我们的理想,使香港在下一世纪成为更具创意、更具活力和更多元化的经济体系。
- ADSL is an important kind of access technology to support broadband service based on copper twisted pair. ADSL技术是基于铜双绞线的一种重要的宽带接入方式。
- HGL couldnt have a SoJ like or HR based economy, simply because those were enabled by rampant duping which they didnt try to stop. 只要措施得当,基于物品复制包括金币复制的经济模型将失去任何意义。
- OLAP technology combined with. NET technology can construct a On-Line Analytical Processing service based Internet. OLAP技术和.NET技术的结合可以构建一个基于互联网的联机分析服务。
- Knowledge based economy and information network make library information consultation take on more apparent intellectualization trend. 知识经济和信息网络使图书馆信息咨询工作呈现出更明显的智能化趋势。
- Positivism and post-positivism do not preestablish the existence of cultural problems, and service based on it cannot really help the object of service. 实证主义和后实证主义不预设文化问题的存在,在此基础上形成的服务,并不能真正帮助服务对象。
- They were practical ideas to start to put in place the vision that we have for a more imaginative,dynamic and broadly based economy for the new century. 我提出了一些务实的方案,以实现我们的理想,使香港在下一世纪成为更具创意、更具活力和更多元化的经济体系。
- Charlotte Shuttles and Transportation - Airport and cruise port shuttle service based in Port Charlotte. Rates, destinations served. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- Today in the knowledge based economy of the 21st century and beyond the source of wealth are productivity in quantity and quality of the society, culture and civilization. 在当今的21世纪乃至未来的知识型经济的大背景下,社会生产力的质与量、文化以及文明才是财富的源泉。
- This paper describes a web site for image mosaicing service based on B/S mode.Client user can mosaic images though web browser, e.g. 摘要设计了B/S模式的网上图像拼接服务站点,实现了远程用户在网络浏览器下的图像拼接服务。
- To meet the need of the "knowledge based economy" and the trend of disciplinaries syncretizing and the need of our reformation, a new theory should be produced. 面对知识经济的要求、学科融合的趋势以及我国改革的需要,亟待探索新的理论体系。
- In SCDMA system, it implements unlink synchronization of terminal signal on the side of service base station. 在SCDMA系统中,在服务基站一侧要实现终端信号的上行同步。