- service time of blast furnace 高炉长寿
- Control of blast furnace PCI system at Anyang Iron & Steel Co. 安钢高炉喷吹煤粉系统的控制
- Monitoring software is necessary in charging system of blast furnace. 在小高炉上料系统中,计算机监控软件是必要的。
- Reformation of nitrogen seal of blast furnace gas compressor is introduced. 介绍了高炉煤气压缩机采用氮气密封的改造。
- The service life of blast furnace can be elongated with application of soft water closed cycle technology for cooling system, remote control lining forming with spray, and the expert system and the camera shooting technology in furnace top. 改造冷却系统采用软水闭路循环技术、采用遥控喷涂造衬技术以及智能专家系统和炉顶摄像技术的应用 ,延长了高炉的寿命。
- In addition to the operation and management factors in iron-making,the structure properties of necessary mach,examining and repairing equipments may all influence the service life of blast furnace. 除炼铁生产操作、管理方面的因素影响外,炉体配套机械设备与检测维修设施的结构性能也都会影响高炉寿命。
- A cylindrical shaft type of blast furnace used for remelting metals, usually iron, before casting. 融铁炉一种具有圆筒状炉胸的鼓风炉,用于在浇铸之前对金属,通常是铁进行再融化
- The relation of acetylene content in the header outlet pipe of convertor with the service time of catalyst in the production of PVC by calcium carbide method was introduced. 介绍了电石法PVC树脂生产中转化器出口总管处的乙炔含量与触媒使用时间的关系。
- A cylindrical shaft type of blast furnace used for remelting metals,usually iron,before casting. 融铁炉一种具有圆筒状炉胸的鼓风炉,用于在浇铸之前对金属,通常是铁进行再融化
- This paper introduces the application of blast furnace gas on water-tube boiler, heating furnace, lime shaft kiln and coke oven. 摘要介绍了韶钢高炉煤气在热电锅炉、加热炉、石灰竖窑、焦炉等工业炉窑上的应用情况。
- An Experimental Study of Blast Furnace Burden Structure in Yingang Iron and Steel Co. 银钢高炉炉料结构的实验研究。
- Application of the Scrubber Process Around Gap in Dedusting of Blast Furnace Gas of Benxi Iron %26 Steel Co. 环缝洗涤工艺在本钢高炉煤气除尘中的应用。
- This paper studies the Service Gated service and 1 limited service polling system with bulk arrival and Bernoulli Feedback and gives the distributions of the queue length and the cycle time, service time and intervist time of the server. 对具有贝努利反馈的批到达门限服务 1有限服务轮询系统进行了研究 ,得到各站轮询时刻队长的分布以及其它一些结果
- It was a time of great tribulation. 那是一段充满苦难的时期。
- Study on Application History of Blast Furnace Mud Gun in JIUQUAN Iron and Steel Group Co. 酒钢高炉泥炮应用史研究。
- Light steel framework of Century House use highly anti-corruptive keel to avoid effectively corruption of steel framework in its service time and extend use time of the housing also. 世佳联合住宅的轻钢结构框架全部采用高防腐镀锌钢龙骨建造,有效避免钢框架在使用过程中的锈蚀,大大提高了住宅的使用寿命。
- Practice on Dust Removal for the Tap of Blast Furnace No.1 And No.2 Of Lingyuan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. 凌钢1号、2号高炉出铁场除尘工程。
- Because the service time of the wet-desulphurizing process is not very long, so it is short of the design experiences for the stack and there are many problems to be solved in design. 因湿法脱硫工艺运行时间不长,对采用该工艺的烟囱设计还缺乏经验,设计中存在不少有待解决的问题。
- Practice on long campaign management of blast furnace in Qingdao Iron and Steel Co. 青钢高炉长寿管理实践。
- Have you made sure of the time of the train? 火车开车时间你搞清楚了吗?