- It was part of Virgo, located to the west of Libra. 它在处女座里的一部分,位于天秤座的西边。
- The casket is decorated with the sign of Libra. 棺材上装饰着天秤宫的标记。
- He died in the service of his country. 他为国捐躯。
- The period of service of a minister. 牧师任期充当牧师的时限
- His new overlord demanded the service of one of his sons. 他的新领主要求他的一个儿子为他服务。
- You may need the services of a lawyer. 你也许需要律师的帮助。
- To bind into the service of another by indenture. 以契约约束按契约的规定为另一方服务
- They need the services of a good lawyer. 他们需要找个能干的律师协助处理。
- service of libra. 图书馆服务
- The occupation or service of a pilot. 引航、领航领航员的工作或服务
- The 7th reflects the lesson of Libra: share or separate. 第七宫反映天秤的启示:分享或分离。
- He spent himself in the service of humanity. 他耗尽了毕生的精力为人类服务。
- The service of the Lord had been more profitable. 为上帝效劳就有利多了。
- The profession, duties, and services of a minister. 牧师职务牧师的职业、职务和服务
- We have the service of sale by post. 我们有代客邮寄这一服务项目。
- With the development of the network technology and the appea ra nce of the digital libraries,readers service are moving to the front of libra ry business. 随着网络技术的发展和数字图书馆的出现,读者服务愈来愈走向图书馆业务的前台。
- Sagittarius is an Autumn Zodiac Sign (as are the Signs of Libra and Scopio). 射手:黄道十二宫的第九宫,每年11月22日前后太阳到这一宫。
- He can't do without (the services of) a secretary. 他不能没有秘书(的协助).
- Scorpio is an Autumn Zodiac Sign (as are the Signs of Libra and Sagittarius). 天蝎:黄道十二宫的第八宫,每年10月23日前后太阳到这一宫。
- Very nice.The service of CAAC is superb. 非常好。中国民航的服务棒极了。