- The service engineers would move in. 维修工将开进去。
- Currently he is concentrating on the Web service engine performance and API design. 现在他侧重于Web服务引擎性能和API设计。
- These components are run by the Notification Services engine. 这些组件由Notification Services引擎运行。
- The service engineers, backed up by Harry, would move in. 维修工就要在哈里陪同下开进去。
- Finally, a message format might exist that can not be described in an XML schema, or the resulting schema cannot be handled by the Web service engine of choice. 最后,可能存在不能在XML架构中描述的消息格式,或选择的Web服务引擎不能处理所得到的架构。
- This paper analyzes the MVC pattern from its structure characteristics, and proposes a new distributed MVC software architecture SEV (Service Engine View) based on CORBA. 本文深入分析了MVC软件模式的结构特点,提出一种基于CORBA的分布式MVC软件体系结构SEV。
- Client applications are not run by the Notification Services engine. 客户端应用程序不通过Notification Services引擎运行。
- Is the Notification Services engine that runs the generator component running? 运行生成器组件的Notification Services引擎是否正在运行?
- The Notification Services engine that runs hosted event providers, generators, and distributors is hosted by a custom application, so the Windows service is not necessary. 运行宿主事件提供程序、生成器和分发服务器的Notification Services引擎以定义应用程序为宿主,因此不一定需要Windows服务。
- A 10% service charge is added on to the bill. 帐单上包括了百分之十的服务费。
- The typewriter is at your service. 这台打字机随便你使用。
- To start an instance of Notification Services on a server, you start the Notification Services engine, which typically means starting the Windows service. 若要在服务器上启动Notification Services实例,请启动Notification Services引擎,这通常意味着启动Windows服务。
- Stopping the Notification Services engine stops the processing of the engine components on the server. 如果停止Notification Services引擎同,则将停止在服务器上处理引擎组件。
- The Notification Services engine components and the databases can be located on one server. Notification Services引擎组件和数据库可位于一台服务器上。
- The Notification Services engine works in concert with the SQL Server Database Engine. Notification Services引擎与SQL Server数据库引擎协同工作。
- Assist in technical support in cooperation with the Technical Service Engineer, Asia-Pacific. 协助技术支援,与亚太区技术服务工程师互相配合。
- Russell Butek is one of the developers of the IBM WebSphere Web services engine. Russell Butek IBM WebSphere Web服务引擎的开发人员之一。
- ERC undertakes engineering research, engineering service engineering education three missions which are connected each other. 工程研究中心肩负着工程研究、工程服务、工程教育三个互相有机联系的任务。
- These files must be accessible by the account that the Notification Services engine runs under, but must be secured. 这些文件必须能被用于运行Notification Services引擎的帐户访问,但也必须受到保护。