- server application software 服务器
- Application software of control system. 控制系统的应用软件。
- Which should you use in building your server application? 您在构建服务器应用程序时应该选择哪一种呢?
- The server application has not completed the current request. 服务器应用程序尚未完成当前请求。
- Application software performs specific tasks for the user. 应用软件为用户完成具体的任务;
- The server application will ask for a file to save the response to. 服务器应用程序将要求提供保存响应的文件。
- This file contains the HTML code for an ATL Server application. 该文件包含ATL Server应用程序的HTML代码。
- Word processing is one of the most popular application software. 文字处理是最流行的应用软件之一。
- CMI is the preferred policy for server application components. 对服务器应用程序组件来说,CMI是一个更好的策略。
- Fig. 3: Set up rules for special application software and attacks. 图三、特殊应用程式及攻击规则设定。
- Networking device developing and stream server application. 网络装置与影音串流服务器开发。
- Proficient in designing with CAD application software. 熟练运用CAD软件进行设计。
- Familiar with minicomputer system and application software. 2熟悉小型机及相关应用。
- Design develop the application software of products. 产品的应用软件的设计开发;
- It controls how data and database are shared among users on the network and how users access master copies of data and application software on the centralized hard disk. 它控制着网上用户如何共享数据和数据库,以及用户如何存取中央硬盘上的数据和应用软件的主拷备。
- Which can be used to test the performance of the INPROC server application. 两个按钮,它们可用于测试INPROC服务器应用程序的性能。
- The code in the server application only takes care of the transport. 服务器应用程序中的代码只负责传输。
- Software LayerPackage NameSoftware Functionality ApplicationRadio Cluster Server (RCS)The RCS application software resides on the AP. 软件层程序包名称软件功能应用程序无线群集服务器 (RCS)RCS 应用程序软件驻留在 AP 上。
- How little additional must you do to grid enable your server application code? 为了在服务器应用程序代码中启用网格,至少应该进行哪些工作?
- The server application is busy and cannot complete the current request. 服务器应用程序正忙,无法完成当前请求。