- Reports the attributes of the columns in the result set of a server cursor. 报告服务器游标结果集中的列属性。
- A server cursor that is built to support the cursor functions of an API, such as ODBC, OLE DB, ADO, and DB-Library. 用于为API(如ODBC、OLE DB、ADO和DB-Library)的游标函数提供支持的服务器游标。
- Or to API server cursor routines; therefore, they can also be matched by SQL or TEMPLATE plan guides. 或调用API服务器游标例程;因此,它们也可以通过SQL或TEMPLATE计划指南进行匹配。
- Global_cursor_name can also be the name of an API server cursor that is opened by an ODBC application and then named by calling SQLSetCursorName. global_cursor_name也可以是API服务器游标(由ODBC应用程序打开,然后通过调用SQLSetCursorName来命名)的名称。
- Each call to an API function that fetches rows generates a roundtrip to the server to fetch the rows from the API server cursor. 每次对提取行的API函数的调用都会产生到服务器的一次往返,以从API服务器游标中提取行。
- Sp_describe_cursor_columns describes the attributes of the columns in the result set of a server cursor, such as the name and data type of each cursor. sp_describe_cursor_columns描述服务器游标结果集中的列属性,例如每个游标的名称和数据类型。
- SQL Server 2005 continues to support asynchronous keyset-driven or static API server cursors where low-latency OPEN is a concern because of client roundtrips for each cursor operation. SQL Server 2005继续支持异步键集驱动的或静态的API服务器游标,但由于每个游标操作的客户端往返,因此需要注意其中的低滞后时间OPEN。
- These sample applications demonstrate how to use adaptive buffering to retrieve large-value data from a SQL Server database without the overhead of server cursors. 这些示例应用程序演示了如何使用自适应缓冲,以便在无需服务器游标开销的情况下从SQL Server数据库中检索大值数据。
- This rule still holds when using API server cursors, but to the application it looks like SQL Server has started supporting multiple active statements on a connection. 此规则在使用API服务器游标时仍然适用,但从应用程序的角度看,好像SQL Server已经开始支持一个连接中存在多个活动语句。
- SQL Server creates a static snapshot cursor. SQL Server创建了一个静态快照游标。
- A cursor implemented on the server. 在服务器上实现的游标。
- The server is introducing the pub. 侍者正在介绍这家酒店。
- Can you see the file on NT server? 你能在NT 服务器上看这个文件吗?
- To move the cursor one character position backward. 将光标反向移动一个字符位置。
- When using an API server cursor in OLE DB, ODBC, and ADO, use the functions or methods of the API to 当在OLE DB、ODBC和ADO中使用API服务器游标时,使用API函数和方法实现如下功能
- Use cursor hinting to indicate pliancy. 运用光标暗示来表达受范性。
- Many networks are managed by a computer called a file server. 许多网络由一称为文件服务器的计算机来管理。
- Move your cursor to the top of the screen. 把你的光标移到屏幕顶端。
- Place the cursor to the left of the first word. 把光标置于第一个单词的左方。
- Use the arrow keys to move the cursor. 用键盘上的箭头键移动光标。