- server advertising protocol 服务器公告协议
- Server Operators Server Operators Server: Service Advertising Protocol advertises servers and addresses on a network. 服务公布协议在网络上公布服务器和地址。
- If a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server advertises this verb, Exchange will attempt to issue an X-EXPS command. 如果简单邮件传输协议(SMTP)服务器公布此动作,Exchange将尝试发出X-EXPS命令。
- The advertising campaign is still in preparation. 广告宣传攻势仍在准备中。
- This radio station does not carry any advertising. 这家广播电台不播送任何广告。
- The advertising slogan was a play on words. 那条广告口号是双关语。
- The server is introducing the pub. 侍者正在介绍这家酒店。
- How much do they charge for advertising? 他们索取多少广告费?
- Television advertising boosted their sales. 电视广告促进了他们的销售。
- I'll look after the advertising end. 我来负责广告方面的工作。
- The company secured many customers by advertising. 这家公司用广告招徕许多客户。
- The magazine contains a great deal of advertising. 这本杂志里有大量广告。
- There is too much advertising gimmickry. 广告花招太多了。
- Cigarette advertising should be banned. 应该禁止香烟的广告业务。
- He put up a poster advertising the circus. 他贴了一张宣传马戏团的海报。
- Can you see the file on NT server? 你能在NT 服务器上看这个文件吗?
- The advertising campaign didn't have much effect on sales. 这些广告攻势对销售额并没有起到多大作用。
- The Protocol supports server and client authentication. 该规约支援伺服器和客户认证。
- The cost of a unit of advertising copy. 百万行广告费一个单位的宣传广告品的费用
- This server is using a newer protocol ( 6 ) than your client ( 5 ). 该服务器使用一个更新的协议(6),而你的客户机使用的是(5)。请高手指教。