- Summary: A Very Secure FTP Server Software. 一个非常安全的FTP服务器端软件.
- The files are stored on a server computer, which runs FTP server software. 这些文件存储在运行FTP服务器软件的服务器计算机上。
- AJAX is a web browser technology independent of web server software. AJAX是一种不需依靠服务器软件而独立运做的浏览器技术。
- The transition to the HP dx5150s was seamless thanks to the AMD64 architecture and a stable software image. 由于有了AMD64架构和稳定的软件体验,这次向HP dx5150的过渡堪称天衣无缝。
- This software image morphing, image transition, aging image mapping capabilities. 本软件实现了图像变形、图像过渡、图像衰老绘制等功能。
- All of the code required to run an application is basically built in to the server software,she adds. 她还说,运行一个应用所需的所有代码基本上写进了服务器软件中。
- In addition,I/O switching takes into account the limitations of the server software architecture. 此外,I/O交换也考虑了服务器软件体系结构的局限。
- As the project grew, McDonald's needed to choose a highly reliable, robust personal computer with a consistent and stable software image across the network. 随着项目的扩大,McDonald’s需要选择一款高度可靠、耐用的个人电脑,使顾客在使用网络时感受到统一、稳定的软件体验。
- Visit most Web sites today and you are using more than one server software application package. 今天我们访问大量的网站,使用的服务器应用软件包已不止一个。
- If you must use a Windows computer, try using AFP server software available for Windows to do so. 如果您必须使用Windows电脑,请尝试使用Windows可用的AFP服务器软件以执行此操作。
- This table shows the operating systems that run the server software from each 64-bit version of SQL Server 2005. 此表显示对于每种64位版本的SQL Server 2005,操作系统是否可以运行其服务器软件。
- The larger file is the Server software and the smaller file is the Client software. 其中较大的文件是服务器软件,较小的文件是客户端软件。
- In shared-media networks, the server software does not need to support the full capacity of the PCI bus since the network cannot approach PCI speeds. 在共享介质网中,服务器软件不需要支持PCI总线的全部功能,因为网络不会接近PCI的速度。
- Very good FTP server software, it set up a simple, powerful, stable performance. 非常好的FTP服务器软件,它设置简单,功能强大,性能稳定。
- In addition, I/O switching takes into account the limitations of the server software architecture. 此外,I/O交换也考虑了服务器软件体系结构的局限。
- All of the code required to run an application is basically built in to the server software, she adds. 她还说,运行一个应用所需的所有代码基本上写进了服务器软件中。
- When client and server software implements WMS, any client can access maps from any server. 一旦客户端和服务端实现了WMS,那么任何客户端都可以访问到任意提供WMS服务器上的地图服务。
- In addition, I/ O switching takes into account the limitations of the server software architecture. 此外,I/o交换也考虑了服务器软件体系结构的局限。
- For example has 1256 group video signals, then the central server software price is 500000+1000*500=1000000. 例如有1256路视频信号,则中心服务器软件的价格为500000¥+1000*500¥=1000000¥。
- Sun released the specification -- the detailed technical blueprint for the way reusable components will run on the server software -- in March. Sun公司今年3月公布了(企业JavaBeans)的技术规范,它为可重复使用的组件在服务器软件中运行的方法制定了详细的技术蓝图。