- There is no connexion between them. 他们无关系。
- She deprecated the connexion in every light. 她从各方面表示不赞成这门亲事。
- Connexion exquisite of distant worlds! 让地极的两端相互关联!
- Amniotic fluid volume was normal. 羊水量正常。
- One outer membrane envelops both amniotic sacs. 两个羊膜囊由一个外膜层包裹。
- Amniocentesis is the removal of fluid from the amniotic sac. 羊膜穿刺术是从羊膜囊抽取羊水的技术。
- The fluid surrounding a fetus in the uterus; amniotic fluid. 羊水子宫包围胎儿之液体;羊膜液
- I love the amniotic fluid when it spills out of the bag. 我爱从羊膜中溅出的羊水;
- Syntactics is a subject to study abstract formal connexion among the signs. 符号学是研究符号之间的抽象形式联系的学科。
- There was a direct intimate connexion between chastity and political orthodoxy. 纯洁身心跟政治正统,真有种直接又紧密的联系。
- Confucius and Plato realized the connexion of the music and the human beings. 孔子与柏拉图二人都认识到音乐与人类有紧密联系,音乐对人类有重要的作用和价值。
- Exposure of cerebral tissue to amniotic fluid precludes brain development. 暴露在羊水内脑组织不能得到发育。
- A protective fluid-filled amniotic sac encloses and cushions the fetus. 充满液体的羊膜包裹并保护胎儿缓和震动。
- There is no natural connexion between strong impulses and a weak conscience. 而欲望强与良心弱这二者之间也没有自然的联系。
- But she could not help feeling how little connexion he really had with people. 但是康妮总觉得他和民间的来往太少了。
- Decisions for expats are made at HQ and you have no connexion there. 海外的项目分配都是由总部决定的,而你跟总部没有任何的联系。
- The amniotic sac breaks and is expelled in the third stage of labor. 在第三产程,羊膜囊破裂并被排出。
- This has been demonstrated by measuring this hormone in amniotic fluid. 测量羊水中该荷尔蒙的含量证实了这一发现。
- Parasagittal scans show amniotic fluid flowing in and out of the nasal fossae. 矢状面扫描显示羊水进出鼻腔。