- We need to have a serious talk about money matters. 我们需要认真谈一谈钱的问题。
- I want to have a serious talk with you. 我想要与你郑重其事地谈一谈。
- The speaker seasoned his serious talk with some jokes. 演讲的人说了几个笑话,给他的严肃的讲话增添趣味性。
- A more serious talk can begin with a quotation or a thoughtful question. 较严肃的主题可由一句引言或引人深思的问题开始。
- The meeting was disappointing-the speaker seemed more interested in playing to the gallery than giving a serious talk. 会议令人失望-发言人似乎对哗众取宠更感兴趣,而不是认真地发言。
- Twice Celia saw them with their heads together, apparently engaged in serious talk. 西莉亚两次看见他们头挨得很近,显然正谈论什么重要问题。
- They had no fear of ideas nor, though they liked to be sprightly in manner, of serious talk. 他们虽然都喜欢生气勃勃的风度,但是既不怕谈理论,也不怕作严肃的讨论。
- As long as the eldership have a serious talk with me, and then they would think I am mature in thought, they would look at me with new eyes. 有和我认真聊过天的大人们或是长辈们都会觉得我是个思想挺成熟的女孩子,都有一种刮目相看的感觉。
- My husband, who was having a serious talk with my niece, decided it was in her best interest to tell her about my problem. 我老公,和我的侄女很认真地谈过话了,决定以她极大兴趣来告诉她有关我的问题。
- Will tell as me, cannot a presumptuous guest usurps the host's role, I express a state with respect to the serious talk of tall severe comrade. 我理解,他这个讲话也是今天我们这次会议的一个主题。作为我来讲,不能喧宾夺主,我就高严同志的重要讲话表一个态。第一点,我们地方党委政府,完全支持和拥护国家电力公司党组对云南电力公司班子调整所作出的决定。
- This print shows to give the working report of the serious talk of Vice Prime Minister Wu Yi and Comrade Wang Zhongfu print is sent, carry out for everybody study. 本刊现将吴仪副总理的重要讲话和王众孚同志的工作报告予以刊发,供大家学习贯彻。
- Are you seriously talking about Tris right now? |这时候你还在说特丽丝?
- The People says Toon chiefs are keen to hold serious talks with Boateng about a move away from Teesside as the Dutchman comes off contract. 据报道;喜鹊的主席想要与博阿滕进行一次认真的邀请加入谈话.
- With all my newfound admiration for Egyptian subtlety, I was convinced that serious talks would not take place until there was a change in the military situation. 虽然最近我对埃及人的机敏老练产生了敬佩之情,但是我仍深信在军事形势发生变化以前,不会进行认真的谈判。
- His illness was more serious than the doctor first thought. 他的病较医生原来以为的更严重。
- He came off the bike but nothing serious happened. 他从自行车上摔下来,但没有出什么事。
- I encourage them to talk all mutually. 我鼓励他们都互相交谈。
- That old lady is very nosy, so nobody likes to talk to her. 那个老妇人是个包打听,因此没有人喜欢跟她说话。
- His talk was evocative of the bygone days. 他的谈话令人回忆起往昔的时日。
- I am pretty serious in what I said at dinner. 我晚餐时说的话是当真的。