- How can I get the serial number of an Audio CD? 我怎样得到?
- Plus a number of patent protected varieties. 加上一些专利保护品种。
- I wonder if you've remembered the serial number of the software. 我不知道你是否已经记住这套软件的序列号。
- The assigned serial number of this software element. 这个软件组件的指派得系列号码。
- Retrieve the volume serial number of your Hard Disk. 得到你的硬盘的卷标序列号。
- "Large number of patent applications, but the problem of low quality have been plaguing Guangdong Province. “专利申请数量大但质量低的问题一直困扰着广东省。”
- Antibacterial sweetening tea-filter, three-dimensional wave, such as access to a number of patent network. 茶素抗菌脱臭过滤网、立体波形网等获得多项专利。
- Copy the serial number of your glaze line on the scutcheon above the glaze line inlet and outlet. 按钉在施釉线进出口上方标牌抄下你的施釉线系列号。
- Technology use WMI to read an example of the hardware serial number of procedures, very good with Oh! 利用WMI技术读取硬件序列号的示例程序,很好用哦!
- He says China recorded more than a 38 percent growth, dislodging the Netherlands to become seventh in the number of patent filings. 中国的国际专利申报数量增加了38%25,超过荷兰,成为世界第七大专利申报国。古利说:
- This batch of shoes have the serial number 25-02. 这批鞋的编号是25-02。
- In the practice of production and application, for the convenience and intuitivism of operation, some factories require simple notation on the serial number of pricker. 在实际制造和应用中,为了操作的方便直观,有部分厂家要求刺针的编号用简单写法。
- Note:Serial number, Array it according to operation finished time; Percent=Number of anechoic canine/ Number of chordectomy canine in this group. 注:编号,按完成手术的时间顺序排列;百分率=吠音消失犬数量/本组声带切除术犬数量。
- The MAP parameters include information such as the mobile identification number (MIN) and the serial number of the radio unit itself. MAP 参数包括如移动标识号 (MIN) 和无线电设备自身的序列号。
- But almost every country in the world is filing an increasing numbers of patent applications every year. 而当今世界上几乎每个国家提交的专利申请都逐年增多。
- The regional administration of CAAC shall, when issuing a permit for using the civil airport, apply to CAAC for a serial number of the permit. 民航地区管理局在颁发民用机场使用许可证时应当向民航总局申请许可证编号。
- DOS HD Serial Number: This uses the DOS serial number of the C drive, which changes (under normal circumstances) only when the drive is reformatted. DOS HD序列号:这是用C盘的DOS序列号,(通常环境下)只有当驱动器被重新格式化时才会改变。
- Retrieves the serial number of any portable media player connected to this computer. If this service is stopped, protected content might not be down loaded to the device. 连接到这台电脑重新找回便携式媒体播放器的序列号。如果此服务被终止,将不能保护下载好的设备。
- Currency notes bear serial numbers. 钞票上有连续的号码。
- Subjects can be identified by either the issuer and serial number of their public key certificate or by the key identifier of their public key certificate. 可由主题的公钥证书的颁发者和序列号或由公钥证书的密钥标识符对主题进行标识。