- In video disk, a consecutive sequence of frames. 在视频光盘上,一种连续的帧序列。
- She made a sequence of dance movements. 她做了一个连续的舞蹈动作。
- She cast her eyes down to avoid direct eye contact. 她垂下双目以避免对视。
- Put the mixed historical facts in sequence. 将混淆的历史事件按顺序排列。
- We will deal with events in historical sequence. 我们将按照历史上的先后顺序研究这些事件。
- That poor madam has lost all contact with reality. 那位可怜的夫人脱离了现实生活。
- For further information, contact your local agent. 要进一步了解情况,请与本地代理商联系。
- Have the children been in contact with disease? 孩子们同这种疾病有过接触吗?
- Farmers met with a sequence of bad harvests. 农民们遇到了接二连三的坏收成。
- He described the events of that day in sequence. 他按先后次序描述了那一天发生的种种事件。
- Helping a caller to contact somebody by phone. 帮助打电话者同某人电话联系。
- The twelfth in a set or sequence. 第十二个在一套或一系列中的第十二个
- I came in contact with her by telephone. 我和她通过电话联络。
- Could we run that sequence through again? 咱们再把那一段重放一遍好吗?
- A poor contact causes power to fail occasionally. 接触不良有时会造成断电。
- Do you have soft contact lens care product? 有没有软性隐型眼镜保养用品?
- I have a useful contact in New York. 我在纽约有个有用的人可以联系。
- They made contact with headquarters by radio. 他们用无线电跟总部联络上 了。
- A sequence of murders had prompted the police to actions. 一连串的谋杀迫使警方不得不采取行动。
- We're ready to shoot (the ballroom sequence). 我们已经准备好拍摄(舞厅的连续镜头).