- separation of ancient rhyme 古韵分部
- The Ba Shan of ancient rhyme leisurely, magical and ensanguined land. 古韵悠悠的巴山,神奇血染的土地。
- The separation of ancient China came to an end when it got politically reunited and economically prospered in Sui and Tang Dynasties.And jade industry finally stepped out the logjam of 400 years. 隋唐结束了国家长期分割的局面,随着政治的统一和经济的繁荣,中国古代玉器走出了近400年的低谷。
- This set of ancient china is invaluable. 这套古瓷器非常珍贵。
- We saw sculptures of ancient Roman gods. 我们看到古代罗马神的塑像。
- This custom is a relic of ancient times. 这习俗乃是古代遗风。
- This stone axe is a relic of ancient times. 这把石斧是古代的遗物。
- A heavily armed foot soldier of ancient Greece. 重甲步兵古希腊装备着重武器的步兵
- Jack is a scholar steeped in the classics of ancient China. 杰克是一位精通中国古代经典著作的学者。
- One of the common people of ancient Rome. 平民古罗马的普通公民之一
- The dialect of ancient Greek used in Arcadia. 阿卡迪亚语在阿卡迪亚使用的古希腊方言
- A literary work of ancient Greece or Rome. 古典文学古希腊或古罗马的文学作品
- True separation of code and markup. 代码和标记真正分离。
- He is reading a storybook on the deities of ancient Greece. 他正在读一本关于古希腊诸神的故事书。
- Yes, separation of them is death. 是的,分离就是死亡。
- The museum displays the specimen of ancient Chinese porcelain. 这个博物馆展出中国古瓷器标本。
- Surgical division or separation of adhesions. 粘连物切离术粘连物的外科切除或分离术
- Separation of two rights", cure for SOE reform ? "两仅分离":国企改革的灵丹妙药?
- The frescoes portrayed scenes of ancient human life. 这些壁画表现了古人类的生活场面。
- The separation of an electrolyte into ions of opposite charge. 电解(作用)一种电解质分解为带有相反电荷的离子的过程