- Separation from her children was a terrible wrench. 同她的孩子们分别是一项很大的痛苦。
- He was unhappy because of his separation from his mother. 他因与母亲分离而感到不快。
- The DS1 was removed from service manually. 手工使 DS1 退出服务。
- Korea is separated from China by the Yalu River. 朝鲜和中国只有鸭绿江一水之隔。
- She hated any separation from him. 同他的任何分离都引起她的怨艾。
- She submitted to separation from her family. 她忍痛与家庭分离。
- He found himself separated from his mates. 他发现自己与伙伴们分开了。
- His mother retired from service last year on the score of illness. 他的母亲去年因病退休了。
- England is separated from France by the Channel. 英国和法国之间隔著英吉利海峡。
- His separation from his friends made him very sad. 他和朋友分别使他十分难受。
- This patient should be separated from the others. 这个病人应该隔离。
- John was a real man when he returned from service with the Marines. 约翰从海军服役回来时,成了一个真正健壮勇敢的硬汉。
- She got a judicial separation from her husband. 她得到法庭判决夫妇分居。
- They had done their bit and were now retired from service. 他们尽了自己的职责,现在已经退役了。
- The lower part of the pipe is separable from the upper part. 管子的下部可与上部分开。
- Any separation from you will be painful for me. 和你分离短短的一瞬间对我来说也是一件痛苦。
- The DS0 was removed from service by a fault condition. 一旦出现故障,就会使 DS0 退出服务。
- Any separation from you will painful for me . 我怎样离开你都会令我很痛苦。
- They had done their bit and were now released from service. 他们尽了自己的职责,现在已经退役了。
- His separation from his family made him very sad. 与家人的离别使他很伤心。