- separated variable type 分离变数型
- C1800 (W) Variable “变量名” type mismatch in files. 在文件之间,变量型不匹配。
- If you select Control, then Variable type specifies the base class of the control you select in the Control ID box. 如果选择Control,则“变量类型”指定在“控件ID”框中选择的控件的基类。
- When a class is removed it is no longer available for use as a column or variable type. 删除类后,它不能再用作列类型或变量类型。
- This paper introduced a kind of variable type collecting method, which is based on layered thoughtway and abstract syntax tree. 摘要提出了一种基于分层思想的,并且无需构造具体语法树的变量类型提取方法。
- The NND schemes in conservative variable type and shock capturing technology are used in the calculations. 计算中采用守恒变量型的NND差分格式和全流场捕捉技术;
- As a side note, tied arrays happen to be the most complex tied variable type, and the least often implemented on CPAN by my count. 顺便说一下,绑定的数组正好是最复杂的绑定变量类型,而且根据我的统计在CPAN上也实现得最少。
- Available only when the variable type is BOOL, int, UINT, long, DWORD, float, double, BYTE, short, COLECurrency or CTime. 仅当变量类型为BOOL、int、UINT、long、DWORD、float、double、BYTE、short、COleCurrency或CTime时可用。
- Each element of a structure is initialized as if it were a separate variable. 初始化结构的每个元素,如同它是单独的变量一样。
- If the dialog box control can contain a value, and if you select Value, then Variable type specifies the appropriate type for the value that control can contain. 如果对话框控件可以包含值,则当选择Value时,“变量类型”指定该控件可以包含的值的适当类型。
- Strongly recommended in this type of nomenclature Hungary: The instruction prefix variable type, capital letters with the first meaningful word in English Group variable name. 在此强烈推荐类匈牙利命名法:以前缀指示变量类型,用首字母大写的有意义的英文单词的组合作变量名。
- You'll also want to turn on the new Option Infer feature.This allows the compiler to infer local variable type declarations by evaluating the right-hand side of the expression. 你也希望根据那些特性打开新的推断特性的选项,这允许编译器通过估计右值表达式去推测出局部变量的申明类型。
- Thanks to genericity, we can make the type parameterization explicit by choosing some arbitrary name, here G, to represent the variable type of stack elements. 由于泛型,通过选择一些任意的名字,这里是G,我们能够把类型明确地定义成参数,用来表示各种不同的栈元素类型。
- If you declare the length of an array but do not initialize its elements, each element is initialized as if it were a separate variable. 如果声明数组的长度但不初始化它的元素,则将初始化每个元素,如同它是单独的变量一样。
- In this paper,separation variable method is applied to solve a Fourier solution for the Dirichlet question in circle of poisson equation. 本文应用分离变量法,求出了一个泊松方程圆内狄利克雷问题的付氏解。
- I have just declared some variable types that I clearly know, and I used the cleanest Pyrex counter loop. 我只声明了早已知道的一些变量类型,并使用最干净的Pyrex counter循环。
- Korea is separated from China by the Yalu River. 朝鲜和中国只有鸭绿江一水之隔。
- Optical transfer function of a specific lens is determined,and a image of the lens is calculated in the screen with separate variable by computer calculation. 通过数值计算的方法,依据一个具体的透镜的光学传递函数,利用分离变量的方法,算出了像屏上所成的像。
- Based on the investigation of 164 trees of Acer truncatum, the relativities among characters were analyzed and the variable types were compartmentalized. 摘要以164株大树的调查数据为基础,对元宝枫各性状进行相关性分析,再进行变异类型划分。
- The land has been separated (up) into small plots. 这块地已经分成小块了。