- A large building divided into separate units, such as apartments. 大楼分隔成许多单元的大厦,如公寓楼
- The other families were grouped along the walls, each a separate unit. 其他人家的人都挨墙聚着,每一家都聚成一群。
- We can go one step further by putting this separate unit test object into the build process. 接下来我们将这个单独的单元测试对象放入构建过程中。
- When the separate unit at that moment of the institutional constraints, the original gear unchanged. 当机组分开时调,机构限制机组转动,使齿轮原有位置不变。
- But Nielsen plans to spin off that function into a separate unit, Nielsen Games, that also will launch in July. 但尼尔森计划分拆功能;成为一个独立的单位;尼尔森游戏;也将在七月起推行.
- A large building divided into separate units,such as apartments. 大楼分隔成许多单元的大厦,如公寓楼
- An operation simulation system (OSS) for the air separation unit (ASU) is presented. 介绍了空分装置计算机操作仿真系统。
- Die-cutting roller cylinder type auto separation unit can increase wear of rubber sleeve. 模切辊汽缸式自动分离装置,减少胶套磨损,过纸调整更方便。
- A building, especially a movie theater or dwelling, with multiple separate units. 复合式建筑包括多个独立房间的建筑,特别是影剧院或住宅。
- The design of DCS in HF Alkylation unit,MTBE unit and Gas Separation unit is introduced. 介绍了氢氟酸烷基化装置、甲基叔丁基醚(MTBE)装置及气分装置等的DCS的设计。
- In this paper, one typical ASU (air separation unit) is simulated with Aspen Plus model and the exergy analysis is also carried out. 本文利用Aspen-plus软件对典型的空分装置进行了模拟分析(含(?)
- The cause of explosion in the cooling box of the air separation unit was described in brief. Its reaso was analyzed and determined. 简述空分装置冷箱内爆炸形成的过程,并对爆炸原因进行分析,确定引发爆炸的原因。
- Exergy loss in an air separation unit mainly derives from the compression and expansion processes of fluid,heat exchange,rectification and throttling. 空分设备有效能损失主要存在流体的压缩与膨胀、热交换、精馏及节流减压等。
- During the operation of an air separation unit (ASU), increase of liquid argon flux is commonly adopted for a higher argon recovery rate. 在空分设备操作时,为提高氩提取率,往往采取加大氩馏分抽取量的方法。
- The luminous intensity on unit area. 单位面积上的发光强度。
- We can separate the stones out with a sieve. 我们可以用一个筛子把石头分离出来。
- Oxygen is produced by an air separation unit(ASU) through liquefaction of atmospheric air and separation of the oxygen by continuous cryogenic distillation. 氧的生产使用空气分离装置(ASU),通过大气的液化和连续低温蒸馏分离出氧。
- It also recounts several considerations and comprehensive parameters of selecting the key separation unit as well as the production results and the process optimization. 叙述了关键设备选型的原则和结构参数,对装置运行的效果及工艺优化作了简要阐述。
- The imbalance between oxygen requirement from Linz-Donawitz process steel-making system and oxygen supply of supporting air separation unit is analyzed. 分析了氧气顶吹转炉炼钢的氧气需求量与所配套空分设备氧气供应量之间的不均衡关系;
- This word has three separate meanings. 这个词有三个不同的意思。