- In the past,weapons inspectors had to give notice before they visited sensitive sites including eight big presidential palaces. 而以往,在检查包括8个大总统府在内的所有敏感场所前,核查人员都必须发布通知。
- In the past, weapons inspectors had to give notice before they visited sensitive sites including eight big presidential palaces. 而以往,在检查包括8个大总统府在内的所有敏感场所前,核查人员都必须发布通知。
- Co-author Beth Lachman said they "appeared to be the most sensitive sites" among 5,000 federal Web pages the researchers checked. 他们指出,有629个联邦网站的信息可以从因特网其他网址访问,这些网址包括某些“最敏感地点”的重要数据。
- Approved three Management Agreement Pilot Projects, in which green groups and landowners receive financial incentives to co-operate and protect ecologically sensitive sites. 批出三宗管理协议试验项目,给予环保团体与土地拥有人经济资助,让他们合力保护生态易受破坏的地区。
- Under the Pilot Scheme for Management Agreements, non-governmental organisations can apply for government funding to provide landowners with financial incentives to co-operate in conserving sensitive sites. 非政府组织可透过管理协议试验计划向政府申请经费拨款,向土地拥有人提供经济诱因,合作保护生态易受破坏的地方。
- Race relations is a sensitive issue. 种族关系是敏感的问题。
- This tooth is sensitive to cold. 这颗牙对冷过敏。
- He is too sensitive to criticism. 他对批评太敏感。
- The substance is irritable to sensitive skin. 这种物质对敏感的皮肤有刺激性。
- Don't laugh at him; he's very sensitive. 千万别笑他,他很敏感。
- Don't be so sensitive - I was not criticizing you. 别那么敏感,我不是在批评你。
- Photographic paper is highly sensitive to light. 感光纸对光十分敏感。
- The monument was moved bodily to a new site. 纪念碑整个迁到一个新场址。
- A sensitive nerve in a tooth can cause great pain. 牙神经易受损伤,可产生巨痛。
- Donna is sensitive to strong smells. 唐娜对强烈的气味很敏感。
- She's got very sensitive hearing, skin, etc. 她的听觉、 触觉等很灵敏。
- Is it safe to site the power station here? 在这建造发电厂安全吗?
- The cellist's bowing was very sensitive. 那位大提琴手的弓法十分细腻。
- The group goes on a lecture tour of site in greece. 该旅游团前往希腊著名景点进行修学旅游。
- Camping sites, by contrast, are highly cosmopolitan. 而露营驻地则相反,是高度世界性的。