- sensitive about height 对身高很在乎
- He's very sensitive about his weight. 他很忌讳别人说他胖。
- Neither of us is sensitive about age. 你知道我们两个人都不注重年龄。
- He is sensitive about his failure. 人家一提他的失败他就生气。
- He is sensitive about his appearance. 他对自己的长像很敏感。
- He is too sensitive about his family background. 是他太敏感自己的出身了。
- You shouldn't be sensitive about one's clothing. 你不要太注重衣着了。
- She is sensitive about her appearance. 她很注意她的外表。
- She is very sensitive about her appearance. 她非常在意自己的外表。
- He is very sensitive about his age. 他非常介意他的年龄。
- He was very sensitive about his failure. 他对于自己失败过的事很在。
- He's very sensitive about his ugly appearance. 他对自己丑陋的外表很敏感。
- Barny is very sensitive about his poetry. 巴尼对他的诗很敏感。你和我所见到的一样么?
- Ry sensitive about being small, so don't mention it. 他对自己个子矮小神经过敏,可别提这件事。
- He is sensitive about being small,so don't mention it. 他对自己个子矮小神经过敏,可别提这件事。
- Don't say anything bad about her work; she's very sensitive about. 千万别说她的工作不好,她就怕别人提这件事。
- Some students are especially sensitive about making mistakes. 有些学生对出错很是在意。
- He's very sensitive about being small, so don't mention it. 他对自己个子矮小神经过敏; 可别提这件事.
- Lechero's getting pret sensitive about the cash flow. 勒齐对资金流动很敏感。
- He's very sensitive about being small,so don't mention it. 他对自己个子矮小神经过敏;可别提这件事.