- Sense of being the master of one's own affairs? 主人翁精神怎么说?
- A working woman may rob a husband of being the master of house. 有工作的妻子就会取代丈夫作为家长的地位。
- Eg: The sense of being praised is fantastic. 被赞扬的感觉很好。
- Is the sense of ejaculation good? What kind of be? 射精的感觉好不好啊?是什么样的?
- Be The Master Of You Own Destiny. 做自己生命的主人。
- You cannot be the master of your own fate. 你无法决定自己的命运。
- Let's be the master of time,start our plan now. 让我们成为时间的主人,现在开始我们的计划吧。
- He said his plan had the virtue of being the easiest to implement. 他说他的计划的优点是最简单易行。
- He had a sense of being met and baffled. 他感到自己受到顶撞而且有点不知所措。
- She has a sense of being dominated. 她感觉自己在听人指挥。
- Transport has always been the master key of trade. 运输一向是贸易的关键。
- He was the Master of King's College, Cambridge. 他曾是剑桥大学国王学院的院长。
- Maxims are the condensed good sense of nations. 民族的美德,凝聚格言之中。
- What would be the sense of such popularization? 这种普及工作还有什么意义呢?
- I dream of being the best footballer in the town. 我梦想成为全城最好的足球队员。
- At this juncture, Guan Yu recalled Cao Cao's kindnesses to him in the past while he was the latter's captive. His deep sense of gratitude led him to violate his own pledge and he let Cao Cao off at the risk of being beheaded himself. 关羽想到自己在曹营受到的恩惠,以义气为重,冒着违犯军令状和被杀头的风险,放走了曹操。
- I dream of being the best programmer in the town. 我梦想成为全城最好的足球队员。
- There's a sense of being perplexed and we don't know what to do. 有种困惑的感觉,我们不知道该怎么做。
- How can I to be the master wash craftsman ? 我是怎样成为水洗高级技师的?
- He felt a gratifying sense of being respected and appreciated. 他因受人尊重和赏识而感到满足。