- senior secondary course 高中课程
- Senior secondary education was strengthened. 高中阶段教育得到加强。
- Senior secondary school education will be vigorously expanded. 积极发展高中阶段教育。
- It offers a diverse range of subjects: 47 are currently available at junior secondary and 43 at senior secondary levels. 科目的范围非常广泛。现时初中课程有47个科目供学校选择,高中课程则有43个科目。
- The Curriculum Development Council (CDC) advises the Government on matters relating to school curriculum development from kindergarten to the senior secondary level. 课程发展议会就幼稚园至高中课程发展的有关事宜,向政府提供意见。
- Additional staff support for implementation of the new academic structure for senior secondary and higher education. 推行高中及高等教育新学制额外人力支援。
- In 1998-99,90 per cent of the students who had completed Secondary 3 received their senior secondary education at substantially subsidised rates. 在一九九八至一九九九学年,有九成修毕中三课程的学生,继续修读由政府资助大部分费用的高中课程。
- Needy Secondary 4 to 7 students in public sector schools may have their tuition fees waived under the means-tested Senior Secondary Fee Remission Scheme. 公营学校的中四至中七学生,如有经济需要而又能通过入息审查,可根据高中学费减免计划申请减免学费。
- Higher education referred to in this Law means education imparted on the basis of completion of senior secondary school education. 本法所称高等教育,是指在完成高级中等教育基础上实施的教育。
- The Panel also discussed with the Administration the progress of its review on senior secondary education and higher education. 事务委员会并与政府当局讨论其检讨高中及高等教育的进展。
- People will have access to better education. We will make senior secondary education basically universal in the country and eliminate illiteracy. 人民享有接受良好教育的机会,基本普及高中阶段教育,消除文盲。
- In 1998-99, 90 per cent of the students who had completed Secondary 3 received their senior secondary education at substantially subsidised rates. 在一九九八至一九九九学年,有九成修毕中三课程的学生,继续修读由政府资助大部分费用的高中课程。
- Physics, Chemistry and Biology are introduced into the S3 curriculum to better prepare students for senior secondary education. 5. 本年始,把中三综合科学增润为物理、化学、生物课程,让初中学生更早衔接高中理科课程。
- Over the past three years, 20 government-built school premises (including six senior secondary schools) have been allocated to school sponsors as DSS schools. 过去三年,教育署把20所政府兴建的校舍(包括六所高中学校)批给办学团体,开办直接资助学校。
- Established in 1920, Taylors College is a specialist senior secondary College that has become a household name in Victoria. 始建于1920年的泰勒学院是一所在维多利亚家喻户晓的高等中学。
- In 2001,95.4 per cent of the students who completed Secondary 3 received their senior secondary education or vocational training at substantially subsidised rates. 二零零一年,有95.;4%25修毕中三课程的学生继续升读获得大幅资助的高中课程或职业训练课程。
- Over the past three years,20 government-built school premises (including six senior secondary schools) have been allocated to school sponsors as DSS schools. 过去三年,教育署把20所政府兴建的校舍(包括六所高中学校)批给办学团体,开办直接资助学校。
- My heart beat thick in the course of the interview. 在面试过程中我的心跳得厉害。
- In 2001, 95.4 per cent of the students who completed Secondary 3 received their senior secondary education or vocational training at substantially subsidised rates. 二零零一年,有95.;4%25修毕中三课程的学生继续升读获得大幅资助的高中课程或职业训练课程。
- Needy Secondary 4 to 7 students in public sector schools may have their tuition fees waived under the means tested Senior Secondary Fee Remission Scheme. 公营学校的中四至中七学生,如有经济需要而又能通过审查,可根据高中学费减免计划申请减免学费。