- senecio sceleratus 硬壳猪屎豆
- Study of the Senecio Scandens Buch-Ham. 千里光的研究进展。
- Extract from Senecio scandens Buch. -ham. 千里光提取物
- New species of Senecio and its allied genera. 千里光属及其近缘各属之新种.
- Studies on the Constituents of Senecio laetus Edgew. 菊状千里光的甾醇类成分研究。
- Microscopic Identification of Senecio argunensis Turcz. 羽叶千里光的显微鉴定。
- The applying potential of purifying sewage with Ranunculus sceleratus L. 石龙芮在城市生活污水净化中的应用潜力。
- The Observation on Chromosome Aneuploid and Chromosome Abnormity in Ranunculus sceleratus L. 石龙芮染色体非整倍性和染色体异常的观察。
- Title: The applying potential of purifying sewage with Ranunculus sceleratus L. 关键词:石龙芮;污水净化;总氮;总磷
- Any of various plants of the genus Senecio,having rayed,usually yellow flower heads. 千里光多种千里光属植物中的一种,有伞状,且通常为黄色的头状花序。
- Effect of Penicillin and Gibberellin on Seed Germination and Seedling Quality of Senecio Cannabifolius less. 青霉素与赤霉素对返魂草种子萌发及成苗素质的影响。
- Any of various plants of the genus Senecio, having rayed, usually yellow flower heads. 千里光多种千里光属植物中的一种,有伞状,且通常为黄色的头状花序
- Title: Studies on the antibacterial chemical constituents of Senecio cannabifolius Less. 关键词:麻叶千里光;千里光属;抗菌活性成分;化学成分;酚酸类
- Ranunculus sceleratus L. [医] 石龙芮
- The results showed that the effect of compound media on the plug seedling and inner effect of Senecio cruentus was remarkable. 结果表明,不同配比的复合基质时瓜叶菊穴盘育苗质量和后期效应有显著差异。
- Summarize the constituents,pharmacologically,toxicokinetic,clinical research and analytical method of the Senecio scandens Buch-Ham.on the world. 综述了国内近年来对千里光化学成分、药理作用、毒理作用、临床研究及分析方法的研究状况。
- Senecio glabellus, native to the eastern United States and having pinnately divided leaves and bright yellow, radiate flower heads. 千里光属植物一种一年或两年生的多汁植物(美洲千里光千里光属),产于美国东部,生有羽状裂叶和亮黄色辐射状花冠
- New Eremophilanoid Sesquiterpene from Senecio Oldhamianus Hua Yang , QiXiu, Zhu, ZhongJian, Jia. Chin.Chem.Lett. 2002 , 13, 139. 千里光中四个新倍半萜的结构杨华王春明贾忠建师彦平化学学报2001,59,1686.
- Any of several plants of the very large genus Senecio in the composite family,having yellow flower heads,especially S. aureus of eastern North America and S. jacobaea of Europe. 千里光属,一种菊科千里光这个大属的草木植物,有黄色花冠,尤指北美洲东部生长的金色千里光和欧洲生长的雅克宾千里光。