- An urgent appeal for assistance was sent out. 紧急援助请求已经发出。
- send out an urgent appeal 发出紧急呼吁
- The agency broadcast an urgent appeal for medical supplies. 代理商通过电台紧急呼吁要求药品供应
- The agency broadcasted an urgent appeal for medical supplies. 代理商通过电台紧急呼吁要求药品供应。
- Last September we were called upon to carry out an urgent task. 去年9月,上级让我们执行一项紧急任务。
- The United States has received from the Greek government an urgent appeal for financia1 and economic assistance. 美国最近收到希腊政府要求财政和经济援助的紧急请求。
- Government departments were instructed to carry out an urgent investigation. 部委奉命紧急调查。
- We sent out an inquiry for the goods to the firm. 对此商品,我们已向该公司发出询价。
- It automatically sends out an overdue signal. 它会自动发出误点信号。
- We sent out an advance party of soldiers. 我们派出一支先头部队。
- The dump sent out an offensive odour. 垃圾堆散发出难闻的气味。
- The ship is sending out an SOS signal. 这条船正发出呼救信号。
- Meanwhile, what was left of the Haitian government put out an urgent request to the U.S. ambassador for help. 与此同时,海地政府幸存人员向美国大使发出了紧急援助请求。
- When they detect a new virus, they extract a signature; add it to their software, and every few months send out an updated version. 每发现一个新的病毒,他们就得提取它的编码,并将其加入他们的软件,所以每过几个月就会发送出升级的版本。
- Beautiful beautiful green as fresh and juicily fruit, send out an inviting fragrance. 靓丽的青春如同新鲜多汁的水果,散发出诱人的芬芳。
- Theories that we had already given right after the Livorno game, and that we repeated on Tuesday when we presented an urgent appeal, something that we haven't done on other recent occasions. 在利沃诺的比赛后我们就有了积极的态度,在星期二接到停赛通知后我们就立即上诉,这在以前没能做到。
- A.If you are deemed to have a problem with heresy in your lands the Pope may send out an Inquisitor to deal with the situation. 答:如果你的领地被认定存在异端问题,教皇将会派遣宗教检查官来处理。
- I want to have it send by an urgent telegram. 我想用加急电报把它发出。
- Have sent out an Email including 5 Unix Admin jobs - T.I.T.A. 谢谢大家的支持!第9批预购今早到货了。请给本店员1-2天时间点点货,24.;12
- A transparent switch will not modify its database when updates are received, or send out an update that indicates a change in its VLAN status. 当收到或送出关于VLAN状态的更新讯息时,一个透通模式交换器将不会修改它自己的资料库。